Saturday, July 15, 2023

Youth Activities with the Biking Bishop

It's impossible to really understand my thoughtful husband, or for that matter our  relationship, without recognizing his commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jason's dedication and service as the bishop of our ward congregation is inspiring.  He does a great job in many ways, whether counseling, speaking, teaching, or presiding.  

The area where he really shines, however, is through his commitment to the youth.  He is there, playing with them, listening to them, and encouraging them, not just on Sundays, but every single Wednesday as well.  Our youth program isn't large, but these kids are growing up spiritually, physically, emotionally, and intellectually strong.  In the past few months we have had youth come home from missions in Thailand, England, and Mozambique.  We have youth serving in the Baltics and Indonesia, with another couple young sisters who just left for Brazil and Germany.  Two others have calls to Texas and Argentina.  This rising generation is leading the way.  It's fun to hear Brooklyn and Talia talk with excitement about their future missionary service.  In fact, Brooklyn has started getting her papers together.

In general, I don't think Jason really preaches at our youth.  Rather, he just lets his light shine and invites them to do the same.  In a world that can feel chaotic and dark, I appreciate the lighthearted peace that he brings.

What follows is a sampling of photos from Jason's phone that show many of their Wednesday night activities.  I won't explain a lot, mostly because I wasn't there.  Still, I think it gives a great idea as to the fun they have together.  I'm so glad that my children get to engage with Jason as both their bishop and their dad.

Tubing at Woodward Park City.

Golf Lessons at a driving range with Chase

Stake Speed Friendshiping Activity.  The drinks after looked tantalizing.

Bountiful Temple Trip to perform proxy baptisms

Sledding at Lindsey Gardens, followed by a nacho bar.

President's Day Ward Dinner.  Obviously the youth prefer their own table.

Chopped Cooking Competition, or something along those lines.  Can't decide if I'd eat that or not.

My personal favorite, a Ramadan Dinner where Jason's co-worker Sudabeh came and taught before everyone broke their fasts together.  Sudabeh's parents, from Iran, joined this special event as well.

A stake cookie decorating contest, where small groups created different scriptural scenes.

Constructing a replica of the Old Testament tabernacle.  While not strictly a youth activity, I see that Chase got a good tutorial.  Not pictured is the massive hailstorm that followed soon after.

Attending the Tabernacle Experience.   The youth attended all together to learn about the Old Testament tabernacle and the important symbolism there. Some of the youth even came back to volunteer with future tours.  Eli presented on the Holy of Holies, while Talia and I got to teach all about the coverings of the tabernacle.  Her hair was an uncanny match for the sheep's wool.

Assisting with demolition of the Trinity A.M.E. church.  Judging by the number of hard hats and safety goggles that Jason purchased, they must have had a great time.  Jason was invited back for the ribbon cutting.

Ward Picnic at Lindsey Gardens.  Fun to have Paige back in town and taking pictures.

Flower Pressing.  I love that in our youth group the girls backpack and the boys press flowers.  We're making progress.

Can't forget ping pong, with pickle ball coming soon.

Last but not least, singing for their moms on Mother's Day.

Jason, I know that being a bishop can be both physically emotionally draining.  It's easy to get caught up in the imperfections.  Just know that you are wonderful and doing an incredible job.  We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Each of these activities is important. I was pleased to visit the tabernacle replica. It was a great visual reminder of covenants and promises covered in the Old Testament. The final photo of the LDS Chapel on P street is also terrific!