Tuesday, July 18, 2023

May Inside and Out

Back to our regular scheduled programming, enjoy this abundance of nature photos.  True to form, I can never get enough of the outdoors.  Here are Annika and I enjoying the goslings on a lovely May evening at Liberty Park.  I don't think most people would consider Liberty Park to be particularly picturesque, but if you catch it in the right light, it's beautiful.

Switching to morning light, here's Talia on an early run along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail.

The flowers were even more extraordinary than the last time we were up there.

Just like her Dad, this girl is an amazing runner.  I want to be like her when I grow up.

Moving onto Annika, we spent a fun afternoon at Red Butte Gardens, along with her friend Aven.  They look so grown up chatting from their benches.

Look out world, beauties in the making.

Of course, there's always room for silly.  Nothing like a contest to see who can get the most pollen on their nose.  Achoo!

Remember that pretty run with Talia along the BST?  Well, I enjoyed it so much that I invited my running buddies Julie and Sonja to do it with me. 

Great life choice.  You know, as much as I love to sleep, I never regret seeing the dawn.

Julie and Sonja, thank you!  Our early morning runs mean so much to me.  The exercise is good, but the conversations fill my heart with happy.

Can't forget Jason!  While injury keeps him from running right now, Julie's communal mountain bike takes him fabulous places.

Moving indoors, well, this is why I don't like moving indoors.  This is what my garage looks like right now.  While I did organize this "before" picture, I'm pretty sure it's plummeted back to level zero.

And exercising indoors?  No thank you.  This sweaty selfie was taken after 30 minutes of Les Mills GRIT torture.

But hey, I do love the decor!  Here's some stunning art that Talia painted for Brooklyn.  Sisters are so very special!  And Talia, I hope you never stop painting!

Or playing violin, for that matter.  Talia is so dedicated with her practice!  It has brought her amazingly far over the years.  This fall she will start playing with the Young Artist Chamber Players, the top ensemble of the four YACP orchestras.

You're amazing kid!

The only thing that worries me is how much Talia is going to miss Brooklyn after she leaves for college.  The big change is coming so quickly!  Here's Brooklyn celebrating the end of her AP and IB testing with some tasty dumplings with mom.  Buttermilk, we are going to MISS you!  In fact, we already do.  Brooklyn is in Orlando at the moment, enjoying the Girl Scout National Phenom convention as one of the National Delegates.  So proud of you, Brookles.

Speaking of Girl Scouts, here's Annika in the friendship circle.  Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty certain that the Girl Scout Squeeze involves hands instead of feet.  And Kelsey, you deserve a medal (and mountain of hand sanitizer) for touching that girl's toes.  True story: Annika had an MRI today, and I about died from embarrassment when she took off her shoes and I saw that her feet that were black with dirt.  They must not have wanted that grime in the tunnel for long, because they sent her home early.  (Actual reason, they couldn't get a decent image because her ICD was in the way.  Bummer.)

Dirty or not, both the Kubinskis and their puppy love you Annika.  But hey, there's one more reason to stay outdoors!


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