Saturday, July 15, 2023

Veinte Zwanzig Vingt

May 9th, 2023 marked a pretty monumental milestone for Jason and me: our twentieth wedding anniversary!

Okay, true confessions.  I find really big milestones to be challenging.  I get paralyzed by their import.  I had no idea how to convey my gratitude to Jason sticking with me for twenty years.  Two decades is a long time.  We've been through a lot, and frankly, have changed a lot since we first tied the knot as babes.  

We may love each other differently than we did twenty years ago, but I think that love is much more expansive.  It's easy to love someone when you have stars in your eyes, but that love grows deep and powerful when you cling strong through the grit of life.  I know that at times I've been that painful grit, and I'm thankful to Jason for sticking with me anyway.

Stumped as to how to best celebrate, we did what we love best and headed to Zion.

Biking Zion on a summer's eve is one of the most magical experiences imaginable.  With the exception of a few shuttle buses headed the opposite direction, we had the entire road to ourselves.

Okay, we did have to share a bit with the wild turkeys.

Enjoying the Temple of Sinawava.  I know that for many Zion can be a very frustrating experience because of the crowds.  I wish everyone could experience it like this.  (Yes, I do recognize the irony in that statement.  Solitude is difficult to share!)

At the right place at the right time with the right person...and the right set of wheels.

Jason booked a fantastic room for us at the Springhill Suites.  Doesn't get nicer than this!

Before embarking on our day's adventure, we checked in with the project he designed for the Springdale Town Hall.  Whoever gets to met in this conference room is going to have a mighty fine view!

From there, we headed to the Hop Valley Trailhead to begin our long trek to Kolob Arch.

With all the recent water, the trail was remarkably green!  We skipped across this stream a dozen times along the journey.

Hi, I'm Kara and I like warm hugs.  

As for Jason, he doesn't much like getting his shoes wet.  Fortunately, he's pretty good at leaping.

Once we hit La Verkin Creek, however, we had no choice but to go straight in.  The powerful current was hard on Jason's injured knee, but he made it.

Getting close!

Arrived.  Truthfully, if there hadn't been a sign I would have missed the arch completely.  While impressive once you know it's there, it's quite well disguised by the rock behind it.  You can see it in the upper left corner with a bit of sunlight shining through behind.  Depending on how you measure it, Kolob Arch is the longest arch in Utah, barely surpassing Landscape Arch in Moab.

Now for the long walk back.  All in all, we hiked around sixteen miles.

Happy Anniversary, mi amor.  I love you for always, Peanut Butter!

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