Sunday, July 16, 2023

Ultimate-ly Great

Kranking out the blog with the Krakens!  

Spring Ultimate Frisbee: it happened, and it was awesome!  I still can't pretend that I "get" sports, but I see how much my children love Ultimate, and it makes me so happy.  Sure, Ultimate helps them get stronger, faster, and more coordinated.  But even more, it stabilizes them emotionally and lays the groundwork for great social relationships.  It's a win all around!

Brooklyn and Talia both played with the Girls Gorillaz team this spring.  While the Gorillaz may not have scored as often as they wanted, their team was super unified and had an amazingly fun spirit.   Let's see: we have Beyah, Sofia, Tera, Elsa, Danyn, Brooklyn, Lily, Talia, Annie, and Caroline.

Warm-ups.  Looks like Eli stole the disc!

Annika even got in on the action. Don't worry--she was well protected.

Talia's hair certainly made her easy to spot on the field.  Jason must be telling her how it's a leeeeeetle bit pink.

The real reason for all the gear.

Game time.  Go Talia!  No matter what the score, the mountains are pretty impressive.

Another day, another game.  I won't even begin to pretend that I remember details.  But as for when, well, when Alesia was here!

Can't forget Eli's team, the Middle School Krakens.  They've got some great intensity!

Here's Eli playing at States.  His team won twice on a Universe point!  (Basically, the next team to score wins.)  Nail biting action, for sure.

Great job, Krakens!

Now back to the girls. 

 I love how Coach Erin is pointing to Brooklyn and saying, YOU!  Brooklyn and her friend Lily were team captains this year.  They both did a stellar job.

Speaking of coaches, this picture shows Coach Erin and her husband Coach Charlie (in red), along with Eli's Coach Anil.  Charlie recently got hit by a car while riding his bike and has been in the ICU.  Obviously this hits too close to home.  All positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Back to happier thoughts, Brooklyn and Lily had their boy fan club come cheer them at States.  Pictured below are Lucas and Josh.  Of course, the best cheers came from their brother.

The two Ultimate Eli's.  Hard to believe I actually thought E's name would be original.  I don't think he's ever had a class without another Eli in it.

Oh wait, scratch that.  Not the name bit, the cheering bit.  The VERY best cheers came from the Wilhoit family!  Thanks for making it out to the fields to support our kids.

A big shout-out to Grandpa Charles and Grandma Susie as well!  They definitely traveled farthest for the occasion.

Now let's see some action.  Nice handling, Brooklyn!

Okay, I love these next pictures.  It shows their coaches Erin and Charlie training with Brooklyn and Lily during half time.  Now that's awesome coaching!


When I saw these unusual photos, I was a bit concerned that Jacob had grabbed my phone to take selfies, but Talia assured me it was Eli behind the lens.  Now I'm just concerned because, well, yeah.

I adore my pink-cleated ladies.  I will miss watching them play together.

It was a grueling close game that went into overtime, but in the end the Gorillaz pulled off a victory.  Way to end your season!

Senior Captain Twinners, way to make Gorillaz fun. Hope you enjoyed the ice cream!

But wait, we're not done yet.  The Middle School Krakens had a great end of the year bowling party where their team captains and Coach Andy handed out individual awards.  Eli was recognized for having the Right Stuff.

The Gorillaz Girlz put together the most incredible Senior night for Brooklyn and Lily.  Orchestrated by Danyn, it was epic with a red carpet, posters, dinner, a photo shoot, dance party, slide show, and more.  Brooklyn felt so special and even had a chance to wear her prom dress again.  Thank you, Gorillaz!

I'd like a dollar for each of Talia's photobombs.

Case in point.  This photo was taken at the team celebration for all of the high school Krakens teams.  The Seniors each got the coolest vinyl banners!  Also, I love how you can see my friend Shannon standing on the table.

The team captains presenting individual awards.

Best coaches ever.

Last of all, a circle of awesomeness. 

So there it is: a giant post for this monumental effort.  Thank you Ultimate for helping us to raise beautiful humans!  May the focus on integrity and sportsmanship through the Spirit of the Game translate into the Spirit of our Lives.

1 comment:

Jason said...

So much fun to watch these games and to see how the girls have learned and grown… and now out-throw me!