Thursday, November 04, 2021

Back to School Madness

First quarter just ended, so it's time to finally share some first day of school pictures.  Here's Eli on his first day of Grade 6 at Emerson Elementary with Ms. Jensen and Ms. Borell.  He was a little nervous about returning to Spanish dual immersion after taking a year off, but he's done great.  I think he's really enjoyed being with many of the same classmates he's known since first grade.  It's also fun to ride the bus again with friends he's known for years.

And here's Annika on her first day of 3rd grade at Wasatch Elementary.  She loves being a Wasatch Star and enjoys her teacher, Ms. Pederson.  Annie attends our neighborhood school, which is perfect for connecting with the community 

Plus, it's always fun to scooter to school.  Annie particularly likes it when she can bring her favorite stuffy, Diamond.

As for Brooklyn and Talia, they are in 11th and 9th grades at West High School where Jared Wright is their principal.  It took a bit to get their schedules sorted since we were overseas when school officially started, but I think we have it worked out now.  Brooklyn is taking IB Literature, Concurrent Enrollment Spanish, AP Calculus BC, IB Art History, AP Biology, Ceramics, and A'Capella.  Wowzers.  It's an intense load, even with a free period for homework.  

Talia is in AP Spanish, Sec Math 3, ASL 3, Honors English, Honors Biology, Painting and Drawing, PXP, and World Civilizations.  Also a really busy schedule!  Kind of expensive too.  Between the two of them, they are taking 1 IB and 5 AP  Tests this year, each at around $100 a piece.  Plus, Brooklyn needs to take the ACT, SAT, and perhaps a couple SAT IIs.  College is pricey before you even get there.

I can't complain though.  These sweet girls work so hard.  On Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Thursdays they get up at 5:30 am so they can practice their instruments before early morning seminary.  On Mondays and Fridays they sleep in until 6:30 because they they don't have to catch the bus until 8:05.

Speaking of college, I found this awesome study nook before my first day of Physiology class.  Too bad I was at the wrong campus.  Nothing like wandering around in search of your building, only to discover that it's in Taylorsville and you are in West Jordan.

Other fall activities: baseball!  Eli moved up to the Avenues Majors this season where he played for the Piranhas with Coach Bill.  

Nice cut, Eli!

As for Annika, she is taking a Creative Movement class with Tanner Dance.  The space is beautiful!  I just wish I got to watch, but unfortunately parents are not invited due to Covid.

She also just finished a nine-week soccer season through the Salt Lake Sports Complex.  I can't say she was completely focused at today's final game, but at least she didn't do any cartwheels across the field.

Back to school swim party for the youth at the Freedman's home.  Talia seems to enjoy a good belly flop.

And my favorite welcome home sight---flowers in the Avenues foothills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great update Kara McCall. I'm so pleased with your responsible youngsters and their many good activities. I also like the wild sunflower-like plants growing in your foothills. Perhaps you can bring a bouquet for our guest bathroom; it could use a few more sunflowers to cheer up the décor. Keep Smiling!