Saturday, November 13, 2021

Love in Pittsburgh: Alex and Emily

It isn't often that I plan to sleep in, but it was on my agenda for this Saturday morning.  Wouldn't you know, I woke up at 5:30 am on the dot.  Perhaps the house sounded too quiet.  We usually hear the sounds of a cello or violin tuning right about now (albeit never on Saturdays.)

I'm missing the kids and Jason at the moment.  (Okay, not Annika.  She's in bed next to me, snoring lightly.)  But the rest of the family is in Moab right now.  They have a huge day of adventure planned.  Jason's taking the youth rappelling down Grandstaff Canyon.  I'm grateful they get to go, but I'll be even more grateful when they are all home safely.

So in the meantime, let me share a moment from early October when we were likewise separated.  This time I was the one absent, having flown all the way to Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh?  Why would you go to Pittsburgh?  In full disclosure, I was asking myself the same thing. (Ironic for someone from Nebraska, I know.)  I flew there for my cousin Alex's wedding, but now that I've been, I can tell you there are all sorts of reasons to enjoy Pittsburgh, even without family to draw you near.  It's a beautiful city full of culture, history, architecture, and bridges.  Plus, they play quidditch on the UPitt campus.

Miraculously, we all made it Friday afternoon, most of us arriving within an hour of one another.  Callie tried really hard to live up to her airplane-disaster reputation when her red-eye flight got cancelled at the last minute, but Adam managed to book her on another airline.  Many thanks to Papa Kay for playing rental car chauffeur and shuttling us everywhere.

Also, photo fail here.  On Friday evening, we enjoyed the tastiest rehearsal dinner at a neighborhood pub.  Seriously, the food was SO good that everyone forgot to take pictures.  Brats, pierogi, stuffed cabbage rolls, wings, mac-n-cheese--the best tastes of Pittsburgh all in one place.  Alex and Emily, thanks for the delicious introduction to your home!  We were in love at first bite.

Here are Callie and I going for a morning jog the next morning through nearby Schenley Park.  I love getting into nature, right in the middle of the city.

Running back through the University of Pittsburgh campus where Alex met his future wife Emily at a Computer Science Club meeting.

The view from our hotel room.

While out running, Callie and I scouted out a bakery and came back for hand pies.  I'm drooling at the memory.

Alex and Emily generously invited all of their wedding guests to enjoy the Carnegie Museums as a treat on their wedding day.  The Natural History Museum was fantastic!

The art museum had a similarly astounding collection.  It would be great to come back and spend more time some day.

A picture outside with my mom.  While we missed the grandkids, it was nice to spend some time together as adults.

All decked out for the wedding...

...but not as decked out as Janet's beautiful family!  Alesia blistered her fingers while curling hair for hours.  By the time the wedding rolled around in the late afternoon, the sisters all looked stunning.  Here we have my parents, Janet, and Jeanette.  Jeanette works as as an artist in Chicago.

Next up, Katelyn and her boyfriend Ryan.  Katelyn and Ryan are engineers on Long Island.

Giggling front and center of this picture is beautiful Alesia, who put hours into helping her brother and sisters accessorize for the big day.  Alesia is the magical force that makes things happen from behind the scenes.

Joining his sisters is guapo groomsman Greg, who we hope to see some time this winter ski season.

The Wells crew.  Janet was so happy to have her family all together!

And here's my gorgeous cousin Kathryn from the LaFroscia side of the family, along with her boyfriend Nick.  It was so good to see Kate after far too many years.

We can't forget my Aunt Alison, beautiful mother of the groom.

Alex and Emily were married in Heinz Memorial Chapel, right on the University of Pittsburg campus.  Rumor has it that you have to reserve the church years in advance.  Hard to predict the weather so far out, but they couldn't have picked a more perfect weekend.

We let the professional photographers take all the pictures during the ceremony and savored the beautiful moment.  Emily and Alex beamed with love as they promised their lives to each other.  I don't think there was a dry eye in the chapel.  Which brings me to THE most important picture--the bride and groom!  Aren't they stunning?  (My apologies for not having better shots.  I was snapping pics on the sly so as to not get in the way of the professionals, whose photos are fantastic.  Check them out at

The wedding dinner and reception were just a block away, so there was plenty of time for sisterly photos in the evening light.

My Mom had told me that the wedding dinner was going to be nice, but I had no idea that we would get to enjoy an entire hall of the Carnegie, complete with elegantly decorated tables.  It was the experience of a lifetime.  I was overcome with the generosity of Alex and Emily in sharing this moment with us.

The first dance as husband and wife.  And no, not some awkward high school two-step.  They'd taken ballroom dance lessons and danced beautifully--another tear-jerking moment.

**Addition from one week later.   I just figured out that I can download photos from the professional website for free.  Yay!  I have to get Annika off to school, but here are a couple tantalizing shots from their first dance. Aren't Alex and Emily amazing?

Each of the tables was named after a Pittsburgh neighborhood.  I found it slightly amusing that we teetotaling Mormons ended up in the Strip District.

Bottoms up!  Just kidding.  But Callie and I did enjoy so many Shirley Temples that the bartender started referring to us as the Shirley Temple girls.

Happy couples.  

Another picture of Emily and Alex.  I loved learning more of their story through the wedding speeches.  Little did I know that they are avid backpackers!  In fact, the topper on their wedding cake was a silhouette of them backpacking with their puppy.  I can't think of a better way to strengthen a relationship.  Some day I hope we figure out a way to all backpack together.

Tossing the wedding bouquet.

Katelyn caught it.  It was endearing to see everyone giggle and turn around to see Ryan's reaction.

Callie and Alesia taking a break from all of our crazy dancing.  No, seriously.  We danced our heads off.  My kids would be shocked and wonder what in the world happened to their mama.  I was just grateful for comfy shoes.

Oooh, did I mention the cookie table?  Now there's a Pittsburgh tradition I can get on board with.  All of the wedding guests bring a plate of their favorite cookies to share.  What an amazing spread!

Getting ready for the send off.  1, 2, 3, Whoosh!  

(Imagine a great photo of the bride and groom being flanked by whooshies as they dash off to their future of eternal bliss.)

Then the young folks went off to party while we old folks went to bed.  I frankly enjoy being part of the bed category.  I've always loved a good sleep, and likely would have preferred that in my youth too--it just wasn't as socially acceptable.

In the morning, I took my Mom on the same trail Callie and I had run the day before.

Then we headed over to Alex and Emily's beautiful new condo for a quick visit and tour.  What a fantastic space!  The neighborhood is clearly enjoying a surge of revitalization.

Eli would approve of the Lego corner.

Remember those whooshies?  Well, my Mom gathered up the extras so Callie can use them with her Primary kids since she's the new chorister.  Just think, kids in Washington State will be celebrating Alex and Emily's special day for years to come.

All too soon it was time to head home.  I had a lengthy layover in the Charlotte airport, so I settled into one of the rocking chairs to enjoy General Conference.

Alex and Emily, thank you both so much for sharing your wedding with us.  It was remarkable, and so reflective of your love and generosity.  We wish you a lifetime of adventure and happiness, and hope to share some adventures together some day.  Come visit any time you want to play in Utah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so nice to share some somewhat quiet time with you and Callie, Kara. We all bunked together in one hotel room (2 queen beds). It reminded me of a few travel adventures we had together while you, and Callie, were in your growing years. Thanks for photo journaling this nice event and may good fortune and love continue to attend Alex and Emily.