Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Last of Summer

Very last post of summer, composed while watching Annika play Wednesday night indoor soccer.  Soccer feels like a summer thing, right?

Just some final random moments from around town.  Here's Annika hanging her stuffed sloth from our peach tree.

Spark likes peaches, but he likes spinach even better.  This is where he hangs out while his home gets cleaned.

Tie-dying by day...

...and critters by night.  Glad we only saw these little guys in our yard once!

Nothing says summer like shishkebabs...

...except perhaps hiking.  Grandma Susie, Christy, Brooklyn, and I all trekked up to Lake Blanche.  It's one of my very favorite trails.

The lake was beautiful as usual (albeit, the water level was low.)

On the other hand, the two moose were highly unusual.  It was so much fun to watch them splashing through the water.  It takes a lot of work for them to propel themselves through the muck.

One of these days I'd like to summit Sundial Peak, but this was not that day.

Instead, it was time to train for Italy by devouring Caputo's Muffaletta.  Tasty!

Closer to home, Jason, Talia, and his former coworker Nicole hiked Twin Peaks.  Perfect place to watch the sun set.

While the rest were at Youth Conference, I decided to run the Park City Trail Series 10 miler.  I was really nervous about running since the air quality was so terrible, not to mention thte fact that I was untrained.  I took it slow, though, and made it to the finish.

For a dramatic finish, rain.  While desperately needed to offset the drought in Salt Lake, it would be nice if it didn't come all at once.  Here you can see the clouds gathering over the cemetery.

The torrent begins.  We have some pretty impressive video footage of trash cans being washed down Virginia Street.

As for our basement, we did have water seep in from underneath the garage door.  I'm just grateful we had time for everything to drive out before leaving on our European adventure.  Thank you, Jason, for cleaning it all up.

So there it is!  The long-winded, non-chronological Wheeler summer adventures of 2021.  Yellowstone, Montana, New York, Europe and more.  One thing's for sure: there will never be another summer quite like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All photos are great but the storm cloud photos are quite unusual. Thanks for your ongoing blog update discipline Kara.