Saturday, November 13, 2021


It's late and I'm super sleepy, but this morning I told myself that I'd post on the blog today, and I'm not going to bed until I do.  This time of year is a frantic push to get caught up because making calendars is nearly impossible if I haven't.  Unfortunately, I'm frantically trying to do a bunch of other things before the holidays as well, including a much overdue purge of the house.  Every day I try to make myself clean out at least one small area.  Sometimes you don't realize how bad it's gotten until you are brave enough to dig in.  I'm making progress, but there's still a long way to go, especially in Brooklyn and Talia's room.

If Brooklyn and Talia's room is a disaster (and it is), this is part of the reason. 

Talia's crocheted projects spill out all over the place.  This was an Etsy order for 21(!) covies, all with delta-embroidered masks.  Apparently some lady wanted to give one to each of her ΔΔΔ sorority sisters.

Today I spent a long while tackling Annika's room.  She's super attached to all of her stuffies and takes turns taking them to school once she earns five tickets.  The pig is named Charlotte.

I couldn't understand why Annika was tying herself up until I remembered the movie Cruella.

Because one grasshopper isn't enough.

This bug-hunting Brownie Girl Scout activity was Annika's dream come true.  She liked the stink beetles best.
The woman guiding the bug activity told us about La Fiesta de la Naturaleza happening at the Natural History Museum.  We had so much fun decorating our butterfly piñatas!

Jason didn't get to decorate a piñata, but he did shimmy into the attic to run wire for a new thermostat.  Gracias, mi amor!

He also took this funny picture of a porta-potty being lifted to the top of the Salt Lake Temple.  The excavation has been pretty incredible to watch.  It's just too bad that the temple will be closed for so long.  Rumor has it that they are significantly behind schedule.  The temple may be within walking distance of West High, but that won't help if the kids have graduated before it reopens.

At least the renovations on our 4th and P Chapel are complete.  Talia hosted a fantastic "Crochet for The Road Home" activity on the front lawn.  The Road Home is an emergency shelter in need of warm hats to give to the homeless when winter comes. 

Besides being a really great thing to do, this initiative doubled as Talia's Girl Scout Silver Award Project.  

I was impressed by the diverse crowd assembled for this activity.  Young, old, single, married, gay, straight, black, white, religious, agnostic--all were represented.  The Avenues really is a beautifully unique place.  I was proud of Talia for organizing this activity to bring everyone together.  I'm sure the hats will be appreciated, but I think the relationships cultivated are even more important.  After the crocheting was done, I was touched to see three of the participants walking home together.  They each came on their own, and each seemed a bit lonely.  After a couple hours of crocheting, they left with new friends.

Last but not least, speaking of friends, meet Mitch, one of Brooklyn's frisbee playing pals, and my friend Shannon's son.  His sister Lolly was called as a Spanish-speaking missionary in the Omaha, Nebraska mission.  Woo hoo!  After Lolly's farewell, we got to meet Mitch's bearded dragons.  Good thing Annika wasn't there, or they might have been kidnapped.
And that's the end of my photo mishmash! Stay tuned--there's certainly more to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm ... Would Spark like to share a cage with a bearded dragon? Just a fleeting Christmas gift thought. Keep Smiling!