Friday, May 10, 2024

Ski Colorado

I hate to rub salt into an open wound, but sometimes needs must.  With apologies to both Greg and my husband who misses skiing so much, here are some photos from our ski days in February and March.  If it helps, you can imagine that we didn't have nearly as much fun as it appears.  We won't tell you otherwise.

Anders with his helmet hair.

Wren Hollow.  Annika wasn't allowed to ski until February because of her ICD surgery, but sure enjoyed shredding the slopes after.  Downhill skiing is perfect for her because she can feed her need for speed without putting too much demand on her heart.

The view from the top of Great Western is always my favorite.

Talia is famous for her plops.

Annika's tumble was a little less intentional.

"Mom, I can't see!"

Eli almost never falls, so it was pretty hilarious to find him stuck in this tree well.

I think these next two pictures might be the most glorious snow photos that I've ever taken.

Cousin skiing is great fun, even if they do dart through the trees so often that Adam finally switched from a snowboard to skis.

Happiness is...

Riding the new Crest 6.  It's fast!

I like to think I know Brighton like the back of my hand, but every year I discover something new, like this hidden fort.

We may not have gotten as much snow as last year, but here's proof that 600" isn't too shabby.

Last but not least, a few photos with my neighbor Robin.  She's always leaned towards Alta, but after a few days skiing at Brighton, she may be converted.  

In case anyone asks, the snow here is miserable and skiing is no fun.  
Jason and Greg, it may be tiresome, but we hope you'll join us next season on the slopes anyway.  We love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terrific ski photos! I was curious as to how Colorado entered the fray ... then I saw "new" state boundary meme.