Monday, May 06, 2024

Wrapping Up Christmas

December 26th, 2023--Boxing Day.  The Andrus home was beautifully decorated for the holidays, largely thanks to Papa Kay.  This year he even added a great new tunnel of lights, each featuring the nickname of a grandchild, courtesy of NomiAnn and her Cricut.

Our next adventure: ice skating!  They've redone the rink in downtown Omaha to make it a lovely ice ribbon.  Much better experience than ten years ago when Brooklyn broke her arm!  Plus, the Wells cousins joined us.

Gorgeous smile, Alesia!

We love you, Katie!

We love you too, Talia!  Even if your smile needs a bit of work...

Jeanette joins the fun.

Sisters--who else would ice skate and swing dance at the same time?

Make way for the choo choo train!  Callie's a daring engine.

No broken bones.  Thumbs up all the way around.

While some of us were ice skating, the rest went to play at the Imaginarium.  The gyroid is my favorite part.

Next up, lunch at Jason's deli, then home for some games.  I can't decide if Aunt Janet is telling Annie what's up or having a hard time keeping a straight face.  Probably the latter.  

Lego playtime (thank you to the Wells for Lady Liberty), then some bedtime reading.  I can't think of a happier way to end the day.

The next day we headed downtown to check out the new Heartland of America park.  The Riverfront area keeps getting nicer and nicer.  So fun, even in December.

Eli liked the heightened view of the world, almost as much as Anders loved the slide.

You're never too old to swing, especially with friends.

You can work up a mighty appetite playing so hard.   Luckily Zio's pizzeria took good care of us.

With tummies full, it was time for our little girls to get brave.  After months of wishing, both Annika and Eila got their ears pierced.  What a special Christmas gift, NomiAnn--thank you!  We chose a place called Rowan where all the piercings are done by Registered Nurses.  Gotta support the profession.  Plus, we figured it would be hygienic. 

Admiring her new look.

Eila's turn.  Such courage!

Congratulations, beautiful ladies!  You two shine even more brightly inside than out.

Other Omaha highlights: sharing gumbo with Fred Washington and the Van Dams.  Thank you so much, Fred!

Most of all, our gratitude to everyone for making Christmas 2023 so joyful.  We love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas 2023 was special; these reminder photos keep the afterglow feelings burning. So grateful for family!!