Friday, October 22, 2021

Nothing like Northport

I have a cold.  I don't know about the rest of you, but our family has picked up comparatively few sicknesses since the pandemic began.  I'd kind of forgotten what it's like to have a cold.  I don't much like it.

I also have sore muscles.  I went back to the gym for the first time in an entire pandemic.  I came home from the strength training class and thought, hey, that wasn't too bad!  Today I can hardly lift my arms.  I don't much like that either.

On the positive side, it's a good chance to lie in bed with my Kleenex box and catch up on the blog.  Fingers crossed that I can wrap up summer before the weekend is over.  Time for fall--the leaves are beautifully golden here.

So, summer!  On the last day of Lake George, Papa Kay, Jason, the Littles and I had one job: to get out of the house as early as possible.  It's easier to clean when the house is empty, and while many hands make quick work, too much help can get in the way.

Here we are, all loaded up and on our way... breakfast at McDonalds.

We took a leisurely route back to the island, passing through Saratoga National Monument.  The battlefield commemorates a turning point in the Revolutionary War when American soldiers battled British soldiers in 1977, marking the first time that a British Army surrendered.

Today the grounds are quiet and peaceful.

Annika was pretty determined to give Anders a ride.  It took a bit, but they figured int out.

The country estate of Philip Schuyler is nearby.  It's currently closed for renovations, but we still dropped by and hummed Hamilton.  It'd be fun to come back some day to see the inside, as well as to explore Saratoga National Park.  We drove the loop, but it would make an amazing bike ride.

Stopping off at Stewarts for ice cream.  Anders managed his own cone like a champ.

All too soon, it was time to drop Jason off at JFK for his flight home. We drowned our sorrows in NY pizza.

Spending time in Northport is always such a treat.  The Wells home on Woodbine looks amazing.  The lawn and landscaping have grown up beautifully, and they've done a ton of finish work on the inside, including color on the walls.  It looks fantastic!  Now I'm feeling inspired to paint our own home.

Here's Alesia, one of the interior designers.  Don't you love her handknit Harry Potter hat?

She and Talia got straight to work crafting this adorable Pygmy Puff.

Addy might be the cutest Harry Potter fan of all.

Alesia is in the midst of sewing this incredible Harry Potter quilt.  The detail in each square is riveting.

Chocolate Frogs and Pumpkin Juice.  Anyone else feeling snacky?

Alesia has all the right answers.

Meanwhile, Gregory and Anders enjoyed played pretend downstairs.  You're never too old.  ;)

These men of the family really have to stick together and represent.  I love how Eli and Anders are dressed alike.

Eila and Annika join in the cousin love.

One of the highlights of Long Island was getting to see Gregory's new house.  Isn't this craftsman lovely?  It's perfectly situated in a quiet neighborhood right across from an elementary school.

Greg has spent the last year remodeling the entire upstairs apartment.  He now lives in the Loft while Katelyn and Ryan live downstairs.

The space is stunning.  Amazing work, Greg!

Relaxing in the secluded backyard.

Meanwhile, grand adventures were happening downstairs.  Katelyn was SO kind and introduced us to her new rats.  They rats were splendid despite being bombarded by so many people all at once.   Plus, they have the cutest names!  Basil, Curry, Kiwi, Coconut...  You can meet them all on Katelyn's instagram page, #ratzinhatz.  Check it out, it's adorable.  Also, we were sad to learn that Aspen passed away at the beginning of August.  She lived a good long life in rat years, but I'm sure the rats still miss their matriarch.

Anders liked the ukulele as much as the pets. We have some great video footage of him serenading us all.

Next adventure: Aunt Alison's pool.  Refreshing as always.

Brooklyn orchestrates the cannonball line.

Ready, aim, fire!

Later in the evening Talia asked if I would take some photos of her.  Her artsy mind is always thinking of something.  When I didn't do it quite right, she got Brooklyn to take over the hairslinging and assumed the post of photographer.

I'm kind of glad Talia doesn't have an Instagram page (none of our kids are on social media yet), but if she did, the pictures would certainly be cool.

Talia may like staging photos, but she does NOT like sharks.  Ocean swimming takes courage for her.  The south shore beaches were actually evacuated due to shark sightings just a day after we swam here.  Glad that didn't happen ahead of time or we would have never gotten her in the water!  Here she is boogie boarding with Brooklyn.  Can you tell they're sisters?

Eila and her NomiAnn.

Eli looks pretty darn happy to be at Robert Moses beach.

Cruising the shoreline with Anders.

Wowzers!  The surf is pretty strong.  Keep an eye on Anders, Eli!  We can't afford to lose any males.

Callie decides to lend a hand.

And...he's off.

Alesia in all her smiling glamour, followed by Aunt Alison and NomiAnn soaking up some sun.

Annika and Papa Kay break out the shovels.

That's a pretty impressive hole!  But once again, it seems like the male progeny are most in danger.

Annika gives the boogie board a go while Alesia keeps a close watch.

The only downside to the beach was that the water was filled with these gelatinous clear blobs that felt like orbeez and looked like jellyfish eggs.  They were so plentiful that if you weren't careful, you would slip on the slimy film.  A little bit of research revealed that they are actually salps, harmless tiny creatures that feed on phytoplankton blooms.  The blue dot in the center is their digestive tract.  Despite our telling her to leave them in the ocean, Annika brought a whole bunch home, albeit unintentionally.  We discovered them matted in her hair, even after she took a shower.  Ew.

Salps and all, it was a great day at Robert Moses beach.  So glad we came!

Last but not least, a few more photos of Northport.  Since Anders, Annika, and I were flying home, we got to spend an extra day while the rest of the crew started the long drive.  Annika did her best to help with the chores. 

Well, done.  I'm sure those geese are gone for good.  (If only!)

Posing for the flowers and snuggling with Addy.  Great ways to spend the day.

A little out of sequence, but here are the bigger kids playing frisbee on the lawn with Katie and Ryan.  

Many thanks yet again to the Wells family for welcoming us all, both upstate and on the island.  We may not have had many days in Northport, but we sure enjoyed every moment.  Northport is such a charming little town--year after year I find myself pleasantly surprised.  I'm so glad you have such a lovely place to call home.

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