Sunday, October 17, 2021

Adirondack Extreme Adventures

To celebrate their anniversary, Callie and Adam were super generous and invited us all to join them on the Adirondack Extreme Adventure Course. Happy Anniversary, you adorable lovebirds!

Jason may have missed the minivan to Lake George, but his red-eye flight got him there just in time to join us for the treetop adventures.  Here he is contemplating the gear that will be his literal lifeline.

As for the younger and wiser crews, they stayed firmly planted on solid ground.  Eli was sad that he wasn't quite tall enough for the course this year.  Fortunately, amazing Alesia took him miniature golfing instead and they had a grand time.  Thanks Alesia!  Also, thanks to Janet, NomiAnn, and Papa Kay for keeping an eye on the littles as well.

Meanwhile, we climbed up and worked our way from obstacle to obstacle.  It was as fun as it looks, so I'll let the pictures tell the story.

If you ever wanted to train for the splits, this is the place.

Katelyn's got this.  I love Greg's supportive expression in the background.  You can see him just cheering for his sister.

An idea for Papa Kay in dealing with the zipline.

This one was pretty intense!

So many fun ziplines!

Greg's right.  Thumbs up all the way around.

Callie and Adam, thank you for the epic adventure!  May your marriage continue to be just as wildly wonderful.

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