So what made me feel so stinkin' proud? I sewed something. Big deal, you might say. Lots of people sew things. But for me, it was a big deal--a huge deal. I accomplished something that I didn't believe that I could or ever would. My mother being the amazing seamstress that she is, I've always left the sewing to her. After all, she can do it so much faster and better than I ever will. While she's tried to share a few tricks of her trade in the past, most of these endeavors have ended in frustration, tears, and unfinished projects.
Well, this time around I tackled the project basically on my own, suffering through the hard parts where I would have thrown in the towel and handed it over to Mom in the past. I learned a lot about accepting flaws and imperfection, sewing through unmatched seams at times, ripping out and starting over at others.
At the end of the day, my project isn't perfect. Look closely, and you'll find plenty of flaws. Still, I love it. Starting with nothing but a few scraps of fabric and a pattern, I actually created something. And I am so stinkin' proud!
(I'm pretty proud of what's inside the project too...) :)
That is so cute!!!! Love it!!!
Good job. I'd be pretty proud of both the project and what's inside too.
I think you have every right to be proud, that looks awesome. Eli is so handsome!
I can't believe you made that outfit as your first project! That is a very intricate thing, and it looks perfect! There's lots of insights into the Gospel with sewing imperfect things with flaws, so I think it's a great endeavor to pursue. Also, in reading some of your other posts I totally agree with you on considering a career switch to becoming a labor and delivery doctor or nurse! I would never do it of course, (or probably could, which is why I wouldn't!)but I have been fascinated by and admiring of people in the medical field since my first prenatal visit! And, I still miss playing with and holding my son while he's sleeping, (finally!) through the night, even though he's 15 months old already! So, I totally agree on the baby euphoria, pregnancy and new babyness were pure bliss for me! Wish we could see you Family in person sometime!
Congratulations! That doesn't look like an easy project. It looks great. So does Eli! What a cutie! You have every right to be proud of these successes!
very cute! and look at all that hair.
Absolutely beautiful sewing! Eli is so adorable. Where do you find the time?!?!?!
Very impressive Kara! I know you've expressed your feelings of sewing inadequacies to me before, so I imagine this was a bit out of your comfort zone. I totally advocate sewing as a hobby, and don't worry you don't have to be a perfectionist to enjoy it. I believe there is much joy (and sometimes a little pain) in creating something beautiful! Excellent work! I'm glad you shared.
I'm so proud for you! Hooray for overcoming what I term "fear to start"--I've got a lot of it, in various stages, so you've inspired me to try harder. Hey world: My sister-in-law rocks!
I'm so glad you shared!! AWESOME JOB! He looks precious...and so does the sewing project.
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