The procedure itself took a bit longer than usual. A typical tonsillectomy will last around 30 minutes, but the bigger the tonsils, the longer it takes. Well, Brooklyn's tonsils were really big, so I nervously paced the tiny recovery room for over an hour before they finally brought her back.
The contrast between my happy Brooklyn leaving and the sad Brooklyn returning was dramatic. She looked so tiny huddled on the big white gurney with an IV still in her hand. Hoarse and upset, she sobbed in Mommy's arms for a while before settling down enough to suck a popsicle and watch a bit of Aladdin. Fortunately, they didn't make her stay long. Even though she was still feeling quite miserable, we were able to take her home after an hour and settle her in on the couch within the comfort of her own home.
As a parent, it's hard to watch your child suffer. You realize that at its rudest, most fundamental level, surgery is just a fancy word for intentional butchering. Even though Brooklyn's recovery will likely be a bit tougher because her tonsils were so enlarged, I'm also kind of glad that they were so bad because there really wasn't any question about whether or not they needed to be removed. As hard as this process is, I feel confident that her life in the long run will be more comfortable without them.
In the meantime, life around here has been surprisingly quiet and peaceful. It's been strange having a Brooklyn who doesn't feel like talking, but it's definitely decreased the overall decibel level, especially since she's not up to arguing with her sister. And, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I knew that everything was going to be fine when Brooklyn perked up yesterday evening and said, "I think I feel like some macaroni and cheese." :)
That is so sad, but I'm glad to hear she's already feeling better. Each day will get better. We love you!
Oh, that does bring back memories. Just keep plying her with the ice cream and popcicles. It's amazing how fast they recover, but at first it feels like its going to be forever! Poor thing. Glad you're on this side of the mountain!
How sad for everyone. I am glad that she is starting to feel better!
Glad she's got that over with!
I hear that kids ALWAYS respond to anesthesia that way. Adults wake up and think, "Gee, I'm still groggy, guess I'll just enjoy the excuse to go back to sleep." And kids just freak out because they don't understand why their bodies and heads feel all messed up. All you can do is hold them while they cry and work it out!
I'm sorry that Brooklyn had to go through this but I'm really glad that she seems to be perking up!
I've always struggled with feeling guilty sending my children off for surgery--like I'm destroying their trust in me to not let anything bad happen to them. Thankfully, things improve.
Hope she's doing great. BTW her hair is so cute despite having or not having tonsils. Great Job mom, I know with 3 kids sometimes hair gets overlooked.
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