Friday, October 17, 2008

Post #16: Whites?

I'm grateful that Jason is better at cutting hair than I am at doing laundry... Oops!


Chou said...

Oh! I've done that with one little rogue red sock. And pink was had everywhere!

Tanja said...

I was just looking over your pictures again - and said to myself

-- you really need something in blue in your clothing style (the best would be some BYU-Blue!!! ---

maybe unbewusst (unconsciously) you were thinking the same.

(Hey, Siegmund Freud was Austrian and had an impact on the way Germans think or find reasons) :)

Hope you find some Entfärber (there is no word for it in English seems like (according to Leo dictionary)- or are you just using Bleach in this case?) -- in French the word I am looking for is décolorant.

Have a great Sabbath Day.