Monday, October 13, 2008

Post #13: Heat Shock...Uh, I mean Culture Shock

In traveling to another country, there are always a few unexpected customs that cause some culture shock. Here are our top three since arriving in Lyon:

1) No matter how warm it is outside, since it is October, everyone insists on wearing coats, scarves, and heavy sweaters. It's crazy! This morning I peeked out the window before getting dressed. After looking at all of the bundled-up people, I put on a turtleneck and coat, only to discover that it was a balmy 75 degrees outside! Talk about heatstroke... Our poor children suffer the most since we generally force them to wear coats as well, just so we won't look like negligent parents.

2) The kind little old lady who gently chides you for not dressing your children more warmly will be the very first to elbow her way in front of you when boarding the bus. Waiting in line appears to be optional once you've passed the golden age of 65.

3) Dog poop. Lots and lots of it. Dogs are beloved here, but unfortunately, there is no societal expectation to clean up after them. Better watch your step!


Erin said...

The elders had a game that involved points for whoever stepped in dog poop. "Score!"

Tanja said...

You missed mentioning the chewing-gum marks on the side-walks (very exciting in the summer - when they melt under your shoes) and the cigarette-left-overs everywhere :) Welcome to Europe - again.

Brianna said...

I love it! It was fun to talk to you guys the other day.