Day Seven dawned overcast and misty--just perfect for fishing. We were so excited that Aunt Janet joined us on the water. Like my own mom, she often stays ashore to make room for someone else on the boat.
The stormy sky looked so cool with all the wispy clouds trailing up from the mountains like smoke.
Annika's giving hers the side eye.
We headed out to our favorite fishing spot in the rocks on the far side of Diamond Island. Greg let the boat drift towards the shelf, and before we knew it Annika had caught a giant fish!
Katelyn's job was to help get them on board with the net. Both she and I were there are support staff. Nice fish, Annie!
While she loves to catch them, she's just as excited to let them go.
After that, it was one fish after another. I lost count, but I think we caught at least 13. They were big, too! Most all of them would have been "keepers" had we been looking for a fish dinner.
It's massive!

This one looks a bit more manly.
Greg, your fish is gorgeous! Greg was so busy constantly moving the boat to the ideal fishing spots that we worried he wouldn't have time to catch one. We shouldn't have worried--this morning was magical!
Hope you liked fishing with us, Ryan! An expert fisherman, he's apparently fished for squid at night by shining giant lights into the water. Even better, Ryan likes to cook so he'll prepare what's caught.
Back at the dock, it was time for Kate and Nick to catch up with Rosie.
Last but not least, games with Alex and Emily. They brought this amazing new game, Starfarers, that takes Catan into space. My kids LOVED it! Thanks for thinking of us--I hope we get to Catan again with you.
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