Saturday, October 21, 2023

Lake George Days 8 & 9: Wrapping Up

As delightful as it would have been to stay indefinitely at the yellow house on Lake George, all good things must come to an end.  If the excitement lasted forever, it wouldn't feel as special.  And this trip truly was exceptional.  Over and over we kept marveling about the amazing things that happened--the best fireworks we'd ever seen, the best fishing trip we'd ever experienced, the most family we'd ever crammed around the dining room table.  Being a part of it all felt like a gift.  On our last day, we savored everything one last time. 

Catching the sunrise on a morning run.

Thanks for driving us into town, Papa Kay!

Enjoying the dock.

Boat time!  I certainly wasn't the only one who waterskied, but by this point we'd stopped taking as many pictures.  This picture was noteworthy because I finally got up slalom.  It took at least five tries before I finally figured out that I needed to tighten the ski binding.  Once I did that, I was able to pop right up.  At this point in my life, there isn't much that I can do that the kids haven't mastered as well (generally surpassing me.)  It's nice to have one trick up my sleeve still.

Speaking of tricks, Talia pulled out her inner daredevil and tried all sorts of antics, culminating in an epic somersault.  Wish I had a picture of that one!

Anders dreams of steering the boat.

Papa Pancakes made for a pretty tasty final brunch.  It's funny--we'd gotten so used to a giant crowd that our group of 15 felt small.

Tubing time!  Apparently goggles are a must for those under the age of 12.  Also, check out the number of sailboats on the lake!

Katelyn and Ryan are ready for adventure.

Tubing with Callie and Adam was nearly a bit TOO much adventure for me.  Despite how evenly situated we are here, Callie spread out, leaving Adam and I hanging on for dear life.  It was relief to finally let go.

Katelyn has a big smile on her face.  Think she knows a secret?

Time for more ice cream on the islands!  

We were lucky to find a place to dock.

Best little lending library spot ever.

Discovering these camping spots and this little camp store was super meaningful for me.  First of all, it gave context to all the stories about how my grandparents Helen and Jack used to take my mom and her siblings camping on the islands, navigating their way on the Alley Cat.  Loading up camping gear into a car seems challenging enough--I'm so impressed that they managed to get everything inside a boat!  

My mom had told me how her mom would check out six or seven islands before deciding on the perfect spot with just the right balance of sun and shade.  I never understood how that was possible until I saw how close all these tiny islands are nestled together.  It also helped me appreciate how NomiAnn likes to circle the campground once or twice before selecting her perfect camp spot as well.

Finally, I loved seeing these camp spots because it makes Lake George feel accessible.  It feels like we can keep the tradition of the lake as an ongoing part of our lives, even when the yellow house sells.  Our family loves to camp.  Sure, it's a long drive to New York and we'd have to rent a boat, but we've driven the road before, and boat rentals are a great option.  I really do hope we camp on the islands some day.  I'm not ready to bid a permanent farewell to Lake George, and it would be so beautiful to have the connection between generations come full circle.

We did a bit more cliff jumping on the way back but didn't take pictures because the waves were so choppy.  Frankly, I'm just grateful we all made it out safely.  We met this super friendly man who designated himself as the honorary lifeguard.  He would cheer for everyone jumping before making sure we all came back up. 

One final glimpse of the yellow house as seen from the water.

Hey Katelyn, looks like you're feeling the love!   Hope your back survives.

That evening Alesia took the kids on an adventure walk to the treehouse.  Built by a master carpenter (Jay), it's standing sturdy as ever.

A tree branch can be a walking stick or a cane for a little old man...the choice is yours.

The next morning it was time to clean up and pack up.  Once the chores were done, the kids headed out to the garage for a little fun.  Pool, ping pong, air hockey and Foosball all in one space.  No wonder Lake George is the best!

Last chance to feed the ducks.

Annika found a new friend right before we hopped into the cars.  I'm afraid he didn't get to come with, nor did he turn into a prince when she kissed him.

Despite Papa Kay's dish towel, there were no grumpy faces leaving Lake George.  We were simply grateful for the wonderful memories we made together. 

Depending on your transport, you might have even enjoyed Starbucks or Stewarts on the way home.

In Janet's case, the special treat was the company.

Wells Family, thank you for making us all welcome!  Even the bear.

Addendum from October 2023.  Janet, Katelyn, and Alesia took these photos of the most beautiful rainbow anyone had ever experienced.  It framed Diamond Island so perfectly that everyone felt it was Jay letting them know that he is ready to be laid to rest in these waters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some memorable photos to remind ourselves of a magical, beautiful week. We experienced the best of life in the midst of one of the most beautiful settings on our planet.