First Term has already ended and I don't even have the kids in school yet, at least per the blog! Time to sprint, especially since it's hard to make the yearly calendar when the blog's not done.
This post is entitled Welcome Wilhoits! At the end of August Zoe the pug, my intrepid sister Callie, my inspiring brother-in-law Adam, and their two amazing kids Eila and Anders relocated from Washington State. Adam took a new job with the University of Utah, taking on the IT challenges of both a university and major hospital. Moving is never easy, but they are taking advantage of everything Salt Lake has to offer. And I mean everything. Over the past couple weeks they seem to have caught every nasty bug in the valley. (Not too worry--Annika is good at sharing, so our family has not gone unscathed.) With Anders in kindergarten, I think Callie was expecting some quiet, productive time with both of her littles in school. Unfortunately, those moments seem rare! At least it rained all day today, just to remind the Wilhoits of the Pacific Northwest.
Talia made the Wilhoits this fun Welcome Bag. Calligraphy is her new creative venture this year. You should see her Bullet Journal. It's incredible!
As for Annika, her welcome banner was much more free form. I'm not certain it actually included any text.
Cousins! We are so delighted to see Anders and Eila more often.
The Wilhoits are renting in Sugarhouse for a while as they house hunt. "Kenny" is about a quarter of the size of the home they moved from, but they are doing an amazing job of making it work. I think they are also falling in love with the neighborhood. Sugarhouse has such a fun, walkable vibe, being right in the middle of everything.
Plus, sunflowers!
Talia gets a tickle tour of the home. Technically speaking,
Kenny has twice as many bedrooms as our beloved
However, it looks like the boys are making yummy treats at Ginny, so I'll hang there. I think we should take a poll: what makes a happier home, food or family? I vote for both.
Papa Kay was amazing and helped the Wilhoits with their entire move, including the drive out. It's fair to say that moving is exhausting!
For a change of pace, we introduced him to our newest cousin Violet on the Wheeler side. Papa Kay adores babies!
Meanwhile, Ruby, Eila, Annie, and Anders nested in a neighbor's tree. With pillows, drinks, and snacks at the ready, they would have camped out all night.
Who can blame them for wanting to? The mountain views from Millcreek are phenomenal.
Painting nails, however, required that they descend from their perch for a bit more stability.
What better welcome to Salt Lake than Pi Pizzeria?
Of course, milkshakes from B&D Burgers are a classic staple as well. Just be careful: they might consume you.
What says Salt Lake more than the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square? We popped by on a Thursday evening to see our friend Melanie and watch a rehearsal with the Piano Guys.
Annika brought her new horse along for special company. She found this one on KSL and was thrilled to give it a new home.
School started just a couple days after the Wilhoits arrived. Here's Annika on her first day of fourth grade in Mr. Mitchell's class at Wasatch Elementary School with Adrienne Kumik as principal.

As for Brooklyn, Talia, and Eli, they all hopped in the car and drove off to West High before I got a picture! This year Brooklyn is an IB Senior, Talia is a Sophomore, and Eli is a 7th grader in the Extended Learning Program. Brooklyn is taking 4 Higher Level International Baccalaureate courses (Spanish, Language Arts, Math, Biology), Standard Level IB Chemistry, Theory of Knowledge and A'Capella. So much for an easy Senior year! As for Talia, she has AP US History, AP Studio Art, Sec Math III, ASL IV, Honors Chemistry, Honors Language Arts and both Spanish and A'Capella with Brooklyn. Also an intense schedule! Eli's schedule: 7/8 math, Exploring Technology, Language Arts, Health, Spanish for Native Speakers I, Art, Science, Utah Studies, PE, and Band. Eli's only been playing the clarinet for six months, but he must be doing pretty well since his band teacher Mr. Blodgett called the house yesterday begging for Eli to play in the pit orchestra.
Life with three teens is crazy busy! Still, having three kids at one school helps. On Mondays and Fridays Talia and Eli take the bus since Brooklyn is either tutoring cello or at seminary council. On Tuesdays and Thursdays Brooklyn and Talia drive together to early morning seminary. On Wednesdays Jason drops Talia off at seminary while I take Brooklyn directly to West from her 6am cello lesson. After school they can either take the bus home or drive with Brooklyn. Many days they end up going straight to Ultimate practice, ASL Club, ELP socials, etc. Does anyone else feel like they rarely see their teenagers?
At least I'm not bored waiting for everyone to come home. At the end of August I joined the Fall 2022 Nursing Cohort at Salt Lake Community College. The Health Sciences building is now my home away from home. Currently I'm taking Nursing Fundamentals with its accompanying lab, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology. This semester I only have 1 clinical rotation plus a six hour simulation, so the schedule really hasn't been that bad, but I'm sure it will get more challenging as the program progresses.
I'm also still working as a Newborn Hearing Screener at Intermountain Medical Center and LDS Hospitals. For the most part, I really love my job.
Back to the most important stuff--family. I really do love it when we all have time to chill at home. I may not love fixing dinner, but there's nothing like it for bringing everyone together.
Plus, the entertainment is grand. Trust Talia to dump water on her sister's head, just to see how Brooklyn will react.
Eli, whatever are you going to do with so many sisters?
Good thing you now have Anders for moral support. Just don't let Talia corrupt him.
Here we all are dining on gazpacho at Liberty Park, courtesy of Papa Kay's summer garden. Thank you!
Be it night or day, we are so thrilled to have you in Salt Lake City, Wilhoit Family. Welcome!
1 comment:
It is beyond wonderful to have both daughters and their families living in the same city! I'm so grateful for all the good choices my children, and grandchildren, are making as they each continue on life's path. I presumptuously include both Adam and Jason as "my children" also. Each man sets a good example by being loving, forgiving, diligent, honest, kind, and faithful. Thanks so much for allowing me to share and learn from each of your special families!
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