As you can tell from the pictures, the children dress in costumes from countries from all around the world. They sing in a myriad of different languages, regularly performing for ambassadors and dignitaries. It's fairly intense, particularly the first year when you have so much new music to learn. Fortunately, the kids enjoyed it, particularly Brooklyn who jumped right in as an alto.
Brooklyn's elegant costume is from Russia. Eli's adorable costume comes from Poland. This picture was taken before their first performance for the United Nations of Utah.
Most of the time the choir performs from the top floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It's quite a view up there!
Occasionally Brooklyn would introduce the choir in Spanish and get to wear a different costume. Here she in a Peruvian outfit since she was welcoming the First Lady of Peru.
Love the hat!
Eli, your hat is adorable too.
A picture of the choir with Peru's First Lady (who ironically enough happens to be American.) Brooklyn is holding the flag to the right while Eli is in blue up front.
Brooklyn's holding Paraguay's flag in this photo.
And here she is with a Kenyan flag in African garb.

Eli's claim to fame is the fishing pole he's holding in this pic. His job is to look cute fishing for crawdads as they sing "Crawdad Hole." He also gets to spin around like a top when they sing about a dreidl.
I know I'm biased, but I think he does a pretty great job with that whole cuteness factor thing.
A close up of a few of the choir members.
Here's the choir singing for the World Parliament on Spirituality at Kingsbury Hall, just a half mile from our house.

Every year around Christmas they perform for the General Authorities' wives.

Brooklyn was pretty excited to participate in a recording session for a kids' commercial jingle.
Since this year was the choir's 25th Anniversary, they hired a professional photographer to celebrate the occasion. Trying to get this many kids in costume organized was quite the ordeal!
Almost there.
The final product.
Their final concert was at the Assembly Hall at Temple Square. I have to admit, it was pretty stressful leading up to the concert as we struggled to get all of their music passed off in time. I ended up making a practice CD for Eli so that we could work on his parts while driving in the car. Ultimately, the hard work paid off. The performance was lovely--an accomplishment they could really feel proud of. Tears welled in my eyes as I listened to them sing, particularly as I pondered the cultural appreciation they are gaining at such a tender age. Our world needs more of this.
1 comment:
I heard this wonderful choir perform a splendid Thanksgiving concert last fall. It included beautiful music, as well as colorful costumes.
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