Thursday, April 13, 2017

Passing the Days with Annika Mae

Four year-olds are pretty amazing.  I feel rather spoiled getting to spend my days playing with Annika Mae.  Creative, fanciful, and generally happy, she is delightful to be around.  Just wish I had her energy!

Annika is positively enamored with her stuffed animals.  This snake has been a particular favorite.

When the snake started to fall apart and sprout stuffing, Talia darned it for her sister.  Such love!

All mended and ready to accessorize!

On chilly mornings, Annika loves to perch herself on the space heater.  She's also become much more interested in coloring of late.

Her favorite friends are naturally her preschool pals.  Here they all are in tutus during T-week.

Once a week, Annika takes tap/ballet at the Sorenson Unity Center.

Tap is definitely her favorite--she loves how much noise the shoes make.

Playing at home with her beautiful doll and hand-knitted clothes, courtesy of NomiAnn.

Sharing sushi with my favorite lunch date.

When Annika disappeared one afternoon, I finally found her completely buried beneath Brooklyn's comforter.

Sweet dreams, baby girl.
We love you!

1 comment:

Susie said...

😍 Love that little munchkin!