Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hermana Brooklyn

I think I've been putting off blogging about this momentous occasion because documenting it makes everything feel so much more real.  Our sweet baby girl Brooklyn left for her mission!  She has been in Spain for eight weeks now and is doing great, although we miss her like crazy cakes.

Brooklyn was called to serve as a missionary in the Madrid North mission under the guidance of mission leaders Christopher and Trista Eastland.  While Brooklyn indicated that she would serve anywhere and would gladly have accepted any mission assignment or location, serving in Spain was a dream come true.  

We originally anticipated that Brooklyn would begin her home MTC (Missionary Training Center) experience on June 10th.   With this in mind, we scheduled her missionary farewell for June 9th.  Here she is with her amazing friends from high school (Arthur, Lily, and Lorian), plus her college freshman boyfriend Henry.  Lily and Henry are now both serving Spanish-speaking missions as well, hablando espaƱol in Texas and Idaho respectively.

Talia and Jacob Baker crash the photo as well.

Sisters!  I just love photos of these two together.  While I'm so grateful Spain gets to enjoy Brooklyn's light, it's hard seeing these best friends separated for a time.

Brooklyn's mission farewell address was beautiful, reflecting insight and wisdom that belies her few years.  Gathering with family and friends was delightful as well.  All the same, it was an extremely hard day because Papa Kay was in the ICU on a ventilator.  As soon as Brooklyn's luncheon finished, Callie, Talia, and I got in the car and drove through the night to be with NomiAnn and Papa Kay.  Those in Salt Lake added their much needed faith and prayers, and Papa Kay pulled through.  While I know that from an eternal perspective, temple covenants allow our families to be together no matter what the outcome, I am grateful for this miracle that makes it easy to "Keep Smiling."

Because of Brooklyn's high level of Spanish proficiency, she actually started her mission experience three weeks later on July 1st.  Having this extra time together was an unexpected delight, allowing us to do things like travel to Omaha together.  Yay!  She wasn't set apart as a missionary until Sunday, June 30th.  Our Stake President and friend Stephen James set her apart and gave her a beautiful blessing in our Virginia Street home.  

Look who's a missionary!

Thanks to Callie, Susie, and Charles for joining us for this special occasion.

While generally a pleasant place, our home was filled with an extra measure of love and light during this time.  The ten days that Brooklyn was with us as a missionary were tender.  I can still picture her studying the Gospel and meeting with her Zoom district from her little basement table.  Her presence brought a special spirit into our daily lives.

Of course, chaos still happened.  Grandma Susie and Grandpa Charles brought Annie and Eli some new mattresses.  The front room turned into this until we got the old mattresses transferred to the dump.

Also, creativity most always takes the form of a mess.

One of my favorite times of day was exercise hour.  We decided to take up family pickleball for a little extra movement.  We are genuinely terrible, but who cares?  It's so fun!  Besides, it makes for good stories, like when we lost the ball up in the tree.  Jason threw his shoe up to get the ball down, but then naturally the sneaker got stuck as well, so we started pitching the water bottle.  I'm sure you can imagine the rest--it was just like the scene from IQ.

Brooklyn even went running with me a couple times.

In general, sister missionaries don't spend a lot of time dancing with boys, but brothers are a special exception.  This was taken while waiting for custard from Nielsen's following a family trip to do baptisms.  Poor Jason was sleepy.

Here we are at the Bountiful Temple itself.  It's special to be here as a family.  We can't wait for January when Annika can come to do baptisms with us as well.

Talia and Eli were in Orem at an FSY (For the Strength of Youth) Conference during Brooklyn's final couple days of home MTC, so we took family pictures the weekend before they left.

Cousin pics chez Wilhoit.  Pickles, you are in the club!

Anders strikes a pose.

Pyramids are both fun and painful, as Eila discovered.

Our last supper at Sawadee.  Excellent choice, Brooklyn!

Of course after Talia and Eli left, we joined the Wheeler clan for some delicious Chinese food at the Mandarin in honor of Charles's birthday.

Topping off the evening with some tasty Blacksmith ice cream.

On her second to last evening, Brooklyn accompanied me and our friend Shannon Wilson to hear Jenny Oaks Baker perform at Cherry Peak.  Shannon's daughter Janelle was performing with the BYU International Folk Dancers as well.  Amazing!

All too soon it was time to pack.  Brooklyn organizes her suitcases so beautifully!  Still, it's hard to know where to begin when gathering up your life for eighteen months.

Talia painted this beautiful watercolor for Brooklyn to bring.

If my memory is correct, we finally took Brooklyn's missionary photos in front of our 4th and P chapel on July 10th, just hours before she left for the Missionary Training Center in Provo.

Called to serve.

We checked Talia and Eli out of FSY for a few hours, then drove to Pleasant Grove to get hand pies from the Crust Club as our final treat with Brooklyn.

Driving to drop Brooklyn off at the Provo Missionary Training Center.  So many memories!  The Provo MTC is directly across the street from the FLSR/LISR (Language Immersion Student Residence) where Jason and I fell in love two decades ago.  We both prepared for our missions in this MTC, and Jason worked as a Spanish teacher there.  Now our beautiful daughter, the babe that made us both parents, would be learning there as well!

I thought I could hold my emotions together, but fell apart driving in.  I was bawling so hard I though Jason would have to take over the wheel.

To quote a friend, missionary drop off is faster than the Wendy's drive through.  While very quick, it's certainly not painless. I still cried the whole way home.

Off she goes!  Go and do, beautiful Brooklyn!  We love you all the way to Spain...and back.