Thursday, September 12, 2024

Just a little more June

My last post, June Outdoors, was a bit premature.  Here are a few more things we did outside.  See, we don't ONLY hike...

Eila and Anders joined us at the Tracy Aviary.  They have the best prehistoric bird ambassadors.

This owl was pretty impressive as well.

Topping off our adventure with ice cream.

Annika did a round of swim lessons at the Sports Complex.  Kind of an ominous sky.

We also went biking along the Jordan River Trail.

Cool wildflowers!

Taking some time to mourn the passing of the skunk.  This girl has a tender heart for all creatures.

Wrapping up our ride with a celebratory Frosty.

The start of summer marked the beginning of the summer reading program.  Annika got completely absorbed in Keeper of the Lost Cities and polished off several books in a few days--an impressive feat considering their size.

Thank goodness for Little Free Lending Libraries to replenish!  This one belongs to our friends Mary Hunt and Alison.  They added the blue Wings of Fire to their library decor thanks to Annie's suggestion.

This year's summer reading program gave out miniature stuffed hedgehogs as prizes.  Annie was thrilled, and tried to nourish them appropriately.

On a less positive note, migraines.  Boo.  Annie doesn't like this picture, but life is made up of both good and bad.  I asked her once if migraines or heart problems bothered her more, and she definitely thought migraines were worse.  So, we're back to eye therapy this fall, plus she started wearing her glasses more often in the hopes that maybe it will help.  So far so good.  She pointed out that up until now, she's never had a migraine on a day that she wore her neurolens glasses all day.

Back to fun photos--Legos!  With the college semester finished, Brooklyn had hours to spend building with Eli.  So delightful!  Can you see their Type A personalities come through?  So organized. :)

Oh, I miss this girl!  Bet she misses root beer floats.

Perhaps sushi as well?

But hey, Brooklyn's doing beautiful things as a missionary!  Turns out missionaries come in all shapes and sizes.  After years of teaching Annika and Lucy's Primary class at church, their teacher Dave Kubinski decided he wanted to be baptized too.  Since our stake center was under construction, he got to use the font in the new skyscraper downtown by Harmons.  Pretty snazzy.

One last photo: proof that you can bring the outdoors with you anywhere.  Talia embroidered her Converse sneakers with flowers and mushrooms.  Gorgeous!  I hope she enjoyed them because they accidentally got left behind in Austria.  May her creativity be loved all over the world.

June Addendum!  I found more photos from June on Jason's phone and thought I would add them here.

While Callie, Talia, and I were in Omaha with my Dad, the rest of the family went up to Idaho to see Great-Grandma Hansen.  She recently moved into an assisted living facility and misses her Rupert home.

I'm so glad she and Brooklyn could spend a little time together.

Dining out is great at any age.

We love you, Grandma!

It looks like the boys dined well in our absence.   Yum!

Glad to be back together again, we continued the tasty meal tradition.

And wouldn't you know--more photos from the trail.  I guess we really do like to hike.  Hiking with the Wilhoits makes it even better.

Grateful for God's goodness, even in the tall grasses.

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