Wednesday, September 11, 2024

June Outdoors

Happy September June!  Hey, at least when I get to summer solstice on June 21st, I'll technically be blogging in the same season.

In June we played.  A lot.  Bubbles are great, Adam is better, but a pug named Pickles is best of all!  

Can you spy Pickles in this picture?

Anders, Talia seems a bit unsure about the giant tongue face paint.

Callie's new baby.  We feel so lucky that the Wilhoits got a puppy!  We get to enjoy all the benefits without all the work...

As far as pets go, the only thing we've managed to keep alive is a white praying mantis named albino.  Annika caught it in our backyard and has been feeding it flies.  It's not quite as sad as the habitat suggests.

On the hunt for bugs on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail.

As long as we are on the topic of dogs, for a brief moment we thought we might get to adopt Nora for a year while her family went on sabbatical to England.  We took her for a trial hike and it was awesome.  She is amazing!  (Granted, she does shed a lot.)

It turns out that Nora is so amazing that her owners found a flat in England that will allow pets.  We are happy for them and Nora, even if we are slightly disappointed that we won't get to enjoy adopt Nora as a running buddy.

Our hike with Nora took us along Deuel Creek in Davis County.

I just can't get enough pictures of our Brooklyn!  It was delightful to have some real time with her after college and before she took off on a mission.

Annika does quite well hiking when it's flat, but her chest hurts when the terrain climbs.  So sad!  We take "beat breaks" whenever she needs.  It's challenging to know what limits are appropriate.  Hiking is slow and difficult, but once she gets there, she loves being outdoors and enjoys the whole trip down.

Plus in this case there was an extra special reward: the rope swing!

On the way down, it wasn't Annika that we worried about--it was Talia.  She and Nora somehow got separated from the rest of the group, took a wrong turn, and didn't make it back until it was almost dark.  Glad everyone was safe and that she had a pup to keep her company!

Transitioning to a new hike but keeping the theme of company--Christy!  We love seeing her fantastic smile every time she passes through town.

Next up, NomiAnn! We were delighted to spend some extended time together this June.  Right before she left we took her hiking along the Emigration Canyon Miners trail.  I call it Sound of Music land.

Thanks to Callie, Eila, and Anders for joining us on the adventure.

Yellow flowers are my favorite--probably because they are so bright and plentiful.

NomiAnn in her happy place with her grands.

In retrospect, we would not have enjoyed our hike as much had we known how sick Papa Kay was back in Omaha.  Our casual exertion and easy expenditure of oxygen feels almost frivolous when I think about how much he was struggling to breathe.  These photos were taken on Tuesday; he went to the ER and was admitted to the ICU four days later.  Our whole family is so grateful for his recovery and the time we have to create many more beautiful memories all together.

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