Logically, I know that when I start working full-time in two weeks and two days, a lot of things are going to change. Some things will simply have to go. This blog will likely shift dramatically. As it is, I hardly blogged all summer long because I was so busy taking four classes for my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) through the University of Utah. This semester I still have three classes (ten credits), so coupling school with work is going to be rough, especially when you consider the learning curve of a brand-new nurse.
I probably shouldn't eeven try to catch up on the blog, but I just don't feel ready to let it go yet. I know this is backtracking significantly, but let me share the 2023-2024 scholastic year-end festivities.
Back in June, Eli graduated from Middle School! Since
his Extended Learning Program Middle School is incorporated into West High
School, he'll be in the same physical location for six years. Still,
after two years of hard work, I’m glad we could celebrate. I love the fun new outfit that he picked out for his 8th Grade Promotion. Such a handsome fella!

Eli had a wonderful crowd cheering him on at Promotion. NomiAnn came all the way from Nebraska to support him!
The Wilhoits were all there as well. It was fun to watch Eli not only walk across the stage, but also see the amazing art show that he helped orchestrate.
Fun times with friends. That's James on the far right.
Turns out that you're never too old for Big Wheels!
More fun with the Millcreek Wheelers. I'm glad Brooklyn could get some Violet and Ruby snuggles before heading on her mission!
Back to the year-end festivities, Annika finished fifth grade with Mr. Haslam and Ms. Thorn. Here we are celebrating at the Wasatch school carnival.
It turns out that middle schoolers and high schoolers will come if cotton candy is involved. Eila too!
NomiAnn volunteered to help with the popcorn. I'm glad she was there because I had no idea how to work the darn machine!
Anders looked mighty snazzy with his face paint.
Adam and Callie, thanks for coming! Every day we get to see you is a great day.
Speaking of great, Talia and Eli had a fantastic year-end celebration with their Krakens Ultimate teams. Here they are handing out Spirit awards to their teammates. Talia is pictured with her friend Danyn, and Eli is next to his friend Felix.
It's hard to imagine a prettier evening at Liberty Park!
Annika's Girl Scout troop bridged from Girl Scout Junior to Cadettes. Here's Mae crossing through, followed by Nora.
Annika helps to form the bridge.
We're proud of you, Cheesecake!
Last but not least, a few puppy pictures because everybody loves Pickles, even when she's naughty.
Hugs and pugs forever!
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