Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fourth of July Festivities

Happy Fourth of July!  (Just a few months late.)  This year we celebrated at Justin and Brianna's home.  They were so kind and invited both Brianna's sisters and the Wilhoits to join the fun.  It was a spectacular party!

Brooklyn was pretty occupied with zoom meetings as part of her home MTC (Missionary Training Center) experience for most of the time, but joined us for dinner.  Yay!

Gathering to bless the food so we can all tuck in.

Annika came dressed in her patriotic pantsuit, then accessorized from Ruby's closet to become even more festive.

Ruby's looking snazzy too, especially with the firework facepaint!

Anders and Violet enjoying their delicious barbecue.

The kids put on an impressive sea-themed parade.  Ruby was a lionfish and Uncle Justin was the sea horse power propelling the mermaids.

I forgot to take pictures of the cotton candy, sugary joy topped only by the delight of sparklers.

Teens love sparklers too.

Add some corn hole, bocce ball, and ACT Prep for the perfect Independence Day festivities. 

  Happy Fourth of July, everyone!  We may face challenges, but I am grateful to live in this wonderful nation.

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