Monday, January 22, 2024

Brooklyn's Mission Call

Friends, amigos, Freunden, nos amis, there is so much to share!  My heart is full, perhaps even a little overwhelmed.  A week ago Tuesday our Brooklyn received a call to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

I'll let the video share Brooklyn's news.  (My apologies for Annika's wild rumpus at the beginning and end.  I tried to crop it out, but the technology was feeling uncooperative today.)

As you can see, Brooklyn is SO excited for her assignment to serve in Madrid, Spain.  She begins her mission on June 10th with a week of home MTC.  Then she heads to the Provo Missionary Training Center for six weeks before finally making her way to españa.  While Madrid is certainly a dream location for Brooklyn, she genuinely would have been excited to serve anywhere.  Brooklyn has talked about wanting to go on a mission for most of her life.  Her bright and positive outlook will be a blessing anywhere!  She feels so lucky to be going to Spain, but frankly, I think Spain's fortunate to have her as well.  (I know I'm rather partial.)  Only problem is that we are going to MISS our girl!  We already do.

We celebrated Brooklyn's mission call with cookies and milk at our place.  Knowing that she was bringing some of her college friends home with her, I wanted to make sure we had plenty.  In retrospect, I think I overdid it.

Still, between BYU roommates, family, neighbors, and all those who joined over Zoom, she was smothered with love.

Let's see, in person we had Henry, Kenny, Taylor, Kacie, Laney and Luke, all from BYU world.  These great friends make Brooklyn so happy!

 Then we had Melanie, Shannon Wilson, the Blackhams (Brian, Sonja, Hazel, and Ezra), Stephen and Julie James, Jane Damstedt, and Ben and Jen Schreiter from the neighborhood.  On the family front we had our family, Justin, Brianna, Ruby, Violet, Callie, Adam, Eila, Anders, and their new pug Pickles, plus LOTS of family joining online.  So much love everywhere!

Out of the many predictions about where Brooklyn would serve, Ruby was the only one to guess Spain.  Bravo!  Also, I think Brooklyn is feeling pretty grateful for all those years of dual immersion education.

As I was pondering Brooklyn's mission call this evening, I suddenly remembered how two and a half years ago, Brooklyn traveled to Spain with Sotto Voce Strings.  They performed all over Europe, including the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

As amazing as this experience was, I never published the pictures, mostly because I wasn't there and got behind.  Music, however, doesn't need any explanation.  Take a listen!  It just makes me want to give my beautiful blonde cellist a squeeze!  (Front row, fifth from the right.)

I even found this photo of a souvenir that Brooklyn brought home years ago.

Hermana Wheeler, we love you so much!  We will miss you tremendously, but this feels meant to be.  We can't wait for you to share your sonrisa bonita with the people of Spain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful for Brooklyn's faithful willingness to serve, and for her mission call to Madrid, Spain. It is a beautiful country, with kind and friendly people. Keep smiling Brooklyn!