Sunday, January 07, 2024

A Tale of Three Hikes

In my opinion, all hikes are valuable.  Some are remarkable because of the physical challenge.  Others are special because of the people who join you.  Some are remembered for the beautiful surroundings.  Finally, a magical few capture that golden evening light.  

Other than the mud, this short October hike up around the Alpine Loop didn't present much of a physical challenge.  This was Jason's first hike post-ACL surgery so we wanted to take it easy.  On the other hand, the company and surroundings were stunning.   We were so glad to have Brooklyn home from college for the weekend.

As for the light, that is what will make this hike live on in our memories.

So much love for my beautiful daughters!  Even the one that looks like an owl.

All the love for my son and hubby as well.  Thank you for sharing this hike with me!

Many times cameras don't fully capture our special moments.  Sometimes they recreate the delight, like with with this Alpine Loop hike.  But occasionally cameras make mediocre moments seem much better than they actuallywere. 

Case in point: our excursion to the Great Salt Lake.  The pictures are SO beautiful!  If someone posted them on social media, I'd likely feel a bit jealous and wish I had been there.  FOMO is real.

Little would I know that this picture isn't of Talia dancing in delight, but rather of her shrieking and spinning in mad circles because the bugs were SOOOO terrible.

Pictures don't show how Annika tripped 200 yards from the mini-van and broke the glass masonry jar that she brought to catch brine shrimp.  You don't hear the sobs and wailing, subsiding only when Jason gave her his water bottle to transport shrimp.  (By the way, the shrimp are thriving three months later.  I think we might have more than we started with.)

Pictures capture the salt flats, but not the hand-crafted boomerang that Eli lost.

Pictures also don't show how Annika's brand-new $800 glasses fell off when she tripped again.  After searching for an hour in the pitch black, we finally gave up and went home.  Mercifully photos don't capture that drama.

Was this excursion magical?  Yes.  Am I glad we went?  Absolutely.  All the same, let's remember that life is rarely as idyllic as it seems in pictures.

But hey, great news!  Jason and Eli went back the next day and were able to find the missing glasses.  Joy!  Given the huge expanse of the great Salt Lake, this truly was a miracle.

Thanks Eli!

And thanks to God for the morning light.  So many analogies about how what is obscured in darkness is made clear with the dawn.

This final hike is distinguished more by the physical challenge than its magical light.  In October I hiked Rim 2 Rim of the Grand Canyon with my friend Amy and two new friends, Heidi and Mary Ann.  What an unexpected treat!  They had rooms reserved at the South Rim and at Kaibab Lodge on the north rim.  When their friend couldn't make it at the last minute, I was thrilled to join the group. 

Beginning our 24 mile journey with headlamps to guide the way.  I was grateful for my bright light!

It was beautiful watching dawn spread across the wide canyon expanse.

From left to right: Kara, Amy, Heidi, and Mary Ann.  While some of us had never met before, we all had so much in common!

Amy and I bought lemonade at Phantom Ranch.  Highly recommend!

Amy and I took a detour to the waterfall, but made it back in time for lunch.  As four prepared moms, we packed an impressive spread.

By the time we made our way back up the canyon, the afternoon shade had set in.  We were grateful for the lower temps as we began our 5781 feet of elevation gain.

Celebrating our summit with a victory arch.  Well-done, ladies! 

Fortunately for us, we had a shuttle and delicious dinner buffet waiting at the lodge.

In the morning I went for a short hike through the golden aspens surrounding our cute little cabin.

My destination turned out to be nothing more than a dirty mud puddle.  No matter how I photographed it, the reflection of the trees made for a beautiful photo.  It reminded me how there are unseen angels watching over and beautifying our lives.  With faith, even the most difficult challenges can be meaningful.

Finally, a few photos of our excursion to the north rim before embarking on the long drive home.

While at the Grand Canyon, I bought this puzzle as a Christmas present for my family.  Per happenstance, I am literally sitting in front of it right at this moment, taking a break as Eli and I put it together.  I love how we have visited most all of these locations.

On the way back, we happened to drive past the only place I hadn't been: Pipe Springs National Monument.  These sweet women indulged my whim and we went to take a peek.  Even though the main house was closed, we visited long enough to say we'd been there. 

If I ever go back, perhaps the cow will remember me.

Amy, Heidi, and Mary Ann, thank you for warmly welcoming me into your circle of friendship.  Hiking the canyon was grand, not just for the accomplishment and scenery, but most of all for the company.  I hope we can hike again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm speechless ... and that is saying something. Very beautiful and inspiring!