Monday, January 01, 2024

Hawaii Day 2: Makapu'u Point Lighthouse

Our second full day in Hawaii was a Sunday, so we let ourselves sleep in, then found a local congregation to join for worship services.  I really enjoy the experience of attending church in different places.  Every ward has its own unique flavor, yet the experience of gathering with other Latter-day Saints is unifying.  All over the world there are many who are doing their best to follow Christ, despite very different cultures and circumstances.

Also, some wards have far more vowels than others. How do you pronounce Auwaiolimu? Most of the proper nouns in Oahu left me flummoxed.

But the mountains, now THOSE I could relate to.  Or envy.  Maybe both.

After church we fed our hungry tummies at Wendy's.  The menu basically looked the same, but the pigeons that kept flying in through the automatic doors were quite original.  Annika has never enjoyed her frosty more.

We then set out on a Sunday afternoon stroll up to the Makapu'u Point Lighthouse.  It's hard to imagine a more beautiful vista!

Pretty stunning kids too, although I know I'm partial.

The trail to the lighthouse is relatively short (2.5 miles round trip) and paved.  Even so, Annika struggled a bit with the elevation gain.

She's lucky to have wonderful siblings to support and encourage.

Brooklyn and I found this tender rock at one of the lookout points, left there to honor the adventuresome spirit of a 16 year-old named Luke.

Here's the lighthouse, tucked behind the cliff where all the vessels can see.

As we looked out into this beautiful expanse, we could see the spray from several humpback whales.  Day two, and we'd already encountered sea turtles and whales!  It rather felt like God was helping to grant Annika's wishes.

Equally fascinating was the hang-glider.  If reincarnation happens to be a thing, I want a second lifetime where I get to make this my hobby.  Also, I kind of want to move to Hawaii.

I asked the kids and they said they would be happy to join me (although Annika's consent was conditional upon bringing her stuffies.)

Views from the way down.

Annika was much happier on the descent.  Understandable, since her heart didn't have to work as hard.

It's often that Jason gets a break from being bishop.  This time of year bishop-ing is particularly intense with tithing declarations, youth advancements, welfare needs for the holidays, etc.  I'm grateful that we got to spend this magnificent Sunday afternoon together.  We love you, Jason!  Thanks for being a solid lighthouse that guides us safely to harbor.

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