Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Couch Treasures

Happy 2020! It's practically a miracle, but I am essentially caught up on this blog.  Hallelujah!  For reals.  It's been a long time.

With this new decade, I'd like to experiment with a new method of blogging.  I'm hoping to post small updates far more frequently, uploading a picture or two every day(ish) rather than waiting until I get around to a giant photo dump.  I recognize this is ambitious, but I'm anxious to find a new system that is less tedious and more personally rewarding. we go!  The first photo uploaded directly from my phone.

Beautiful, right?  In case you are wondering, this is a picture the kids took last night by sending my phone into the depths of the couch interior encased in a plastic bag so they could fish it back out.  Meanwhile they photographed the couch's mysterious contents by using my Apple Watch.  You'd think we were exploring the Titanic.  They were trying to recover the Kindle Fire Stick that Eli lost down there.  Brooklyn had told him to hide it, but this was a little bit too well!  We ended up having to turn the couch upside down and remove upholstery staples to get to the interior.  We found bananagrams, marbles, pens, pencils, a house key, and two Kindle firesticks if you count the one we lost over a year ago.  The best discovery of all?  Indiana.  For years, our United States puzzle has had 49 states.  United at last.

If you look past the dust bunnies of our couch picture, you can see some plastic.  This is from all of the plarn (plastic yarn) that the kids have been making out of our plastic grocery bags.

It's a messy business, but the crocheted plastic mats turn out pretty well.  Eventually these will be donated to the Bags to Beds program for the homeless.

Well-done, Talia!

Now if we can just keep our belongings out of the couch.

1 comment:

Jason said...

The next James Cameron!!!