If I'm completely honest, this weekend wasn't exactly what I'd hoped for. The entire city was covered in fog on Saturday. It's hard to explain how or why, but my brain and emotions fog up in cloudy weather as well. On the positive side, this weekend at home made me feel more grateful for all the Saturdays we've spent skiing. True, it means getting up early and we are exhausted by the end of the day. Overall though, I prefer feeling tired to feeling lost.
Speaking of skiing, the weekend got off to a rocky start on Friday night when Jason, Talia, and Eli drove up to Brighton for their customer appreciation event. With free s'mores, music, and fireworks, it seemed like an awesome event. In the end, thousands of others must have thought it was a brilliant idea too because the place was packed. It took hours to get up the canyon. After finally finding a place to park, they got all their gear on and trekked to the lift, only to discover a ginormous, snaking line with hundreds of people in it. In the end, they decided to just turn around and go home, never skiing at all. Bummer.
Fortunately, Brooklyn, Annie, and I had more fun back in Salt Lake. Brooklyn invited her friend Jasmina over, while Annika and Ruby enjoyed their very first sleepover. Those cousins are so cute in their matching jammies! I expected Annika and Ruby might have a hard time sleeping, but at 7:15 pm Ruby told me she was tired. After tooth brushing and stories, these two cuties went straight to bed and slept all the way until 8:00 the next morning! I can't remember the last time Annika slept for twelve hours straight. Cousins are a great influence. Brooklyn pointed out that they are young enough to believe that the best part of a sleepover is the sleeping.
For breakfast the next morning, we indulged in pink pancakes with heart shapes cut out of the middle. All ready for Valentine's day!

I had a few personal wishes for Saturday, specifically getting to the gym and going to the temple. While neither of those things worked out for me, I was able to help Brooklyn and Talia get to the Bountiful temple to do proxy baptisms. (The two hour wait surprised us, but we survived.) Nobody got to the gym, although Jason got to set up lots of chairs in the church gym in preparation for a funeral luncheon. As bishop of our congregation, Jason conducted his third funeral this weekend.
Meanwhile, back on the homefront Annika made a turtle costume...
Eli made some magnatile dolphins...
...and Brooklyn made some fortune cookies.
Ahhh ... another heartwarming post. I feel the same way about foggy, cloudy weather as you do Milkweed. I tried to beat the blahs by going to the gym, reading, watching the DJT impeachment trial, and assembling 2019 tax return information. Some activities are more inspiring than others.
I haven't read your post for a wwwwhhhhiiiilllleeeeee - so congratulations belated to Jason's new calling. :)
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