Monday, January 13, 2020

Brooklyn's Quinceañera

On December 16th, our sweet Brooklyn turned fifteen.  Perhaps we should have celebrated her quinceañera with a huge party and fancy dresses.  Fifteen really is a big deal!  Instead we celebrated her love of good food and aptitude for math by sticking candles seven and eight in popeye pancakes for breakfast.

Make a wish, sweetie!

As for me, I couldn't wish for a better relationship with my teenage daughter.  Brooklyn is thoughtful, witty, compassionate, hard-working, and a whole lot of fun.  Here we are playing Machi Koro as she opens a few gifts from the family--a crocheted stocking and cinnamon gum from Talia, plus a glitter jar with a clay snowman on top from Annika

Brooklyn's main gift arrived a couple months early.  Happy Christma-birthday, sweet girl!  Your cello playing is delightful.

For dinner, we headed to Brooklyn's favorite restaurant--Sawadee.  Outstanding taste, Buttermilk.

For dessert, I made Brooklyn cream puffs.  A personal favorite of mine, I hoped she would like them.  If not, well then extra for me.

Happy, happy birthday to our firstborn!  We are so very proud of the person you are, inside and out.

Now watch out world!  A driving permit is coming soon.

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