Ah, the bliss of sinking deep into your pillow, cozying up to your honey, nuzzling your toes beneath his to get warm.
Of course, with Jason out of town for the week, I'll have to settle for life's second greatest joy--the kids' bedtime. When my hubby is gone, I can't wait to get them all snuggled tight in bed so that I can finally have a bit of what I crave--me time. Time to read, time to clean, time to relax, time to blog, time for a midnight snack--there's simply never enough time!
So when little Talia got the spooks tonight, I confess that it was all too grudgingly that I slipped into her bed for a snuggle. Naturally, it was hours later when I awoke and groggily hoisted myself up the stairs. But I must admit, a sweet cuddle with your four year-old is much better than no cuddle at all.
And so, tonight's blog feast has been scaled down to a sample. In honor of the man I miss, here are a couple photos of him volunteering with Dr. Seuss week at Brooklyn's school.
It takes a truly marvelous man to pull off red and white stripes. Thanks, PB.
I'd write more, but, yawn, my pillow calls.
Kara, those are darling pictures of Jason and the class. I have to agree, he does the hat justice!
3 cheers for a great dad and husband!
I think the cat in the hat has some serious competition! It sounds like he had a delightful time reading to the kids. Hope the days zip by quickly for you :)
what a cute pueblo!
Way to fun. Love Reading across America days!
Thanks for inviting me to read at the school dear. As goofy as I felt, it was deffinitely a highlight of my week!
- your Cat in the Hat (and I'm an allergy free variety: promise not to make you sneeze!)
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