Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Special Requests for Santa

Brooklyn came home from school with the following wish list for Santa Claus:

- a cinpudr (a computer)
- a rel prisus foon (a real princess phone)
- a big bag of cand (a big bag of candy)
- mune (money)
- a prinsus bed (a princess bed)
- a cat
- to be qwen (to be queen)

Nothing like ambition!


candice said...

Cute. I remember always asking for a pony---my poor parents :)

Aunt Callie and Uncle Adam said...

To be Queen? Doesn't Brookles know that you don't need to ask Santa for things she already has? :)

Julie L said...

Ho, Ho, Ho! Money? At her age? I think that is way funny! No letting grass grow under that girl!

Anonymous said...

"...and a cartridge in a bear knee."

Also remember: "There's no plate like chrome for the hollandaise"

Susie said...

She DOES know what she wants, doesn't she? She knows how to shoot for the stars. I'll handle the bag of candy part :) and let Santa worry about the rest!

Justin said...

I'm just impressed she can write her wish list. I think I was still cutting pictures out of the JC Penny catalog until 4th or 5th grade.