In my last post, I advised "staying tuned" for big news on the employment front. Well, if you've actually tried, you've probably noticed how the reception's been pretty fuzzy. For over a week I've been waiting for Jason to announce his fabulous news. Well, I've finally decided to share it for him. My darling hubby is great at many things, but bragging about himself is not one of them. :)
Two weeks ago Jason flew to St. George, Utah to interview for an Enterprise Rose Architectural Fellowship. According to their website, "The mission of the Rose Fellowship is to inspire and nurture a new generation of architects as lifelong leaders dedicated to creating sustainable communities for people at all income levels." Essentially, a non-profit organization (Enterprise) funds "three-year partnerships between emerging architects and community-based organizations." Community developers competitively apply to host an architect. Meanwhile, emerging architects apply for the opportunity to learn all facets of the trade in an environment that focuses more upon making a difference than making a profit.
Rose fellows generally focus on sustainable, affordable housing--key facets of Jason's thesis research and work with Solar Decathlon. Even so, when Jason began the lengthy application process, we talked about how we'd need divine intervention to land this job. Competitive under the best of circumstances, the fellowships were in particularly high demand this year given the economy. Four fellowship projects were available--Ohio, Washington, Puerto Rico, and southern Utah. We applied for the Utah position because we felt it best matched Jason's areas of expertise. Fortunately, the hiring committee agreed. Just hours after interviewing, he was offered the position. By the next morning, we'd accepted.
For the next three years, Jason will be working for Color Country Community Housing, a non-profit community housing organization that services parts of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. During this time, he will be mentored by a local architect in St. George and earn enough IDP (internship development program) credits to be well on his way toward licensure. Many architectural interns are pretty limited in the type of experience they acquire at the entry-level, but Jason will get to immerse himself in the entire process. At the moment, it feels a little daunting (particularly given the high-profile nature of the position), but I'm sure Jason will handle the pressure splendidly.
More than anything, we feel blessed. We have felt the hand of the Lord guiding us from the very beginning. An infinite number of small and simple things have come together in a remarkable way to give Jason the experiences necessary. God hasn't merely cracked open a window: it's as if He's personally ushering us through wide-open doors.
So when are we moving? Well, Jason's work begins September 1st, so we've already put in our sixty-day notice. In general, the timing is pretty remarkable because I am teaching an eight-week summer course that lasts until the beginning of August. That gives us just enough time to pack up, move, and settle-in.
As happy as I am about this job, I must admit that I've been feeling kind of melancholy too. It's hard to leave. We have great friends here that we will miss...a lot. While I knew that it would be challenging financially, mentally I was all geared up to stick around. I'm comfortable here with my circle of friends, favorite haunts, and family rhythm. We're thrilled to be moving closer to Jason's family, but a bit sad to be moving farther from my own. My parents have been so marvelous about coming to visit often that I've taken our week-ends together for granted. We'll miss them.
And yet, with each new challenge comes new joys. Living right next to Zion's National Park--how cool is that? While it may be a roasting 100 degrees right now, I think I'll adore the sunshine and sixty degree weather when February rolls around. And maybe, just maybe, the future will bring the joy of having a home of our own. Friends and family, with a bit of luck, we hope to even have a guest room instead of floor space to entice you to come and visit--often. :)
Hooray, this is wonderful news! Congratulations!
That is awesome. Great work. We have always been and still are very proud of you all. So sad that you won't be moving to NY quite yet, but we'll give you 3 years in Utah. Fun times ahead!
Congrats!!! I'm so glad things worked out for you and your family. Thanks for sharing your testimony too.
Congratulations. Sounds like a great job with great learning attached. Enjoy.
This is your old neighbor Andrea Parker, I just saw your post. Congratulations! I'm partial to St. George as I grew up there! In my opinion St. George has a lot of great things going for it--very family oriented, great parks, amenities and not to mention all the great camping in the vacinity. My parents still live there so we visit often, maybe we'll be able to meet up one of these days. Good luck with the packing and moving! Tell Jason congrats for us (he was a great Home Teacher and we always appreciated his visits).
Kara that is so great, It will be good to have you closer. Ryan has family down in that area, and we try to go down a couple of times each year. Hopefully we will be able to get together one of these trips.
Danny and I are so excited for you! It sounds like an amazing position - not only a great experience but working for a worthwhile organization.
Congratulations to you both!
Congratulations - St. George is a beautiful area and close to the parks. I think that you will like it and there will be many many many sets of new grandparents in St. George - even if the whole city is 30 mile zone :)
This is fantastic news! St. George is a very livable place ... Of course more canonized revelation was received in Illinois &/or Nebraska than in St. George ... but it is a nice place anyway. Oh, and don't forget to leave some room in your moving truck to pick up some of your "essentials" that are stored in an Omaha basement on the way. ... or not (so long as you leave one of the grand children as collateral) ... bye, bye.
p.s. Beware: People in the west swim in "cricks" instead of "creeks" ... Don't let them corrupt your usage.
Congratulations, what great news. Good luck with the move and transition to employment :)
Congratulations! That is awesome.
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