Okay, so if I am ever going to get caught up on this blog, I need to pick up the pace. REVEL Big Cottonwood 2023. I know this is something we participate in most every year, but this race was Talia's first FULL marathon and a PR for Eli, making it a stinkin' big deal. Congratulations, runners!
Back at home, Brooklyn helped Talia's toenails get ready to meet their maker. It was so fun to have her come back for the weekend!
I guess he decided that he didn't want to be this year's poster child for Launch Team since I found half a dozen pictures where he's posing like this. The ideas that come into the mind of a thirteen year-old boy...
The smile here, captured at the edge of a photo when he thought he'd passed the photographer's lens, is so genuine. Running may be hard, but he likes it!
Dare I say he's good at it too? I kept getting text updates about Eli's location broadcasted into my Airpods as the race progressed. Miles ahead of me, I couldn't believe how fast his pace! It was fun to cheer him the whole time in my heart, even if I wasn't there at the finish line.
Also, I feel fortunate to still have my earbuds. One popped out and rolled off the road right about this point, in front of the photographer. It landed in a scree patch on the far side of the road barrier. I had to climb over and hold onto the barrier for dear life with one hand and dig through the rocks with my other, all while my feet were sliding on the scraggly steep slope. Fortunately the earbud landed just within reach and all was well.
Grateful to see the finish line.
And now for the lady of the hour, Miss Talia! 26.2 miles of glory. In case you are wondering, that's a LONG way. There aren't many sixteen year olds willing to hit the pavement for that long.
Truthfully, my ten minute mile pace is significantly faster than I would have predicted, particularly given the fact that I walked for some sections. I guess Revel races really are fast.
Look at her fly! Watch out, that phone flies too. Talia may have ended the race with a shattered screen. So sad! But not to worry--rumor has it that she got a decent replacement for her birthday.
So all the way through the canyon Talia was CRUISING--on pace for a 3:30 finish. As often happens in a marathon though, she slammed into "the wall" around mile twenty. The last miles were brutal. It was unseasonably warm, making it really hot given the 7:00 am start time. (That's pretty late for a marathon.) Adding to the misery was the fact that all of the aid stations at the end were out of Gatorade, right when you could really use some electrolytes. In fact, rumor on the street is that a few were accidentally serving distilled water. No wonder the runners struggled!
Other unfortunate moments for Talia. Some runner tossed his partially-filled gatorade cup all over her! I assume it was unintentional, but the dude just kept going. DUDE, not cool.
Mostly, the race was hard because it's just far. The sheer grit that it takes to keep going is admirable. I love how Talia connected with the older gentleman next to her. This was her first marathon; he'd run 90 but still remembered running his first at 16. He kindly insisted that they were going to push each other through and keep going. Sometimes the running community is amazing.
Another example: Look at this half marathon finisher on the far left give Talia a "You Go Girl" smile! Everybody is moving at different paces, but they all shine moving forward, mile after mile.
Brooklyn and I met Talia in the very final stretch to help her push through that last difficult climb. It's a rare day when Brooklyn looks like she's enjoying the run more than her sister.
You got this, ReddiWip.
Speaking of strong, Jason did great navigating the finish area post-surgery. This race is where Jason qualified for Boston last year, so who knows? Maybe we'll have a repeat performance next year.

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