Friday, April 08, 2022

Slopes and Snow

Ski season!  Believe it or not, I don't take nearly as many photographs and videos skiing as I used to.  Every ski day is special, but in many ways they are pretty much the same.  Load van, gear up, ride lift, fly down, and repeat.  The snow capped mountains are beautifully stunning, but the vistas don't change significantly either.  The main thing shifting is my children.  Each year they grow faster and more competent.  Each year it's a little harder to keep up, and each year I pray a little extra that no one gets hurt.  (Sorry Greg!  Apparently those prayers got stuck at the Utah border.)

Anyway, here are some photos of this year's ski season.

We got in lots of fun skiing with Uncle Justin.  Everyone likes skiing with him because he provides the lift snacks.

I'm pretty sure Eli's playing hooky from school this day.  True confessions: it wasn't the only time. That's the great thing about elementary school--you can get away with it.  

In fact, Eli and I went skiing a couple days ago up at Deer Valley.  Ironically, I really regret not having my phone to take pictures.  We had some pretty memorable experiences!  I dropped my pole and valiant Eli braved the icy terrain to rescue it for me, hiking up and then sledding down a super slick mogul field on his rump.  While the ascent was rough, the slide down looked super fun.  

Then later in the day we skied down to catch a lift, only to discover that the lift was broken.  There was no other lift servicing this low spot, so they brought an entire brigade of snowmobiles to rescue those waiting in line.  They hooked up tow ropes with loops tied in them so that we multiple people could hitch a ride behind the snowmobile at the same time.  You know, like the kindergarten where all the kids hang on at once.  It was like waterskiing up a snowy slope!  Just wish we had a picture.  Oh, an I wouldn't mind a photo to remind me of the bowl of Pho we shared.  Food always tastes spectacular after a hard day of sking.

Case in point, hot chocolate!

Looking up from Milly.  I only tackled Milly bowl once this year.  Frankly, that was enough for me.  The super narrow chutes aren't my favorite.

Christy came out in February to ski with us again.  I couldn't make it, but Jason said they had an awesome day skiing Great Western.

Pretty impressive for an Arizona gal!

More skiing with Justin.

Male bonding on the slopes.


If you're wondering where you can get some fantastic french onion soup, try Molly Green's.

Our Annie ski bum.  Not as many pictures of her this year--she's hard to catch up with.

Last but not least, skiing with Gregory!  We talked all the kids into skipping school and had a fantastic day at Alta all together.

Even if a few of the chutes could have used a bit more powder.


It's always a good omen when the vending machine gives you two for the price of one.

And magic!  Fresh powder on its way.  These pictures were taken at the bottom of the lift...

But by the time we got to the top it was clear skies.  Crazy!  Plus Talia died.  She seems to enjoy lying down in the snow.  It's particularly comical when her skis get stuck and she can't get up after.

Gregory in his happy place.  Plus, like his Dad, he kind of rocks the beard.

A second ski day with Greg at Brighton.

Lunch may have been pretty similar to the day before, but the fun was all new.

Thanks to Greg and all of our other family for sharing our love of the slopes!  

Well, as I mentioned in an earlier post, Greg broke his leg a couple days later while skiing at Breckenridge in Colorado.  Boo.  Quadruple boo for the dishonorable insurance company that is trying to deny his claim by suggesting that emergency surgery for a shattered femur wasn't necessary.  Mind blown, and NOT in a good way.  I'm outraged.  But since this is a positive space, let me share a few more happy memories instead.  Like playing frisbee together!

Also, Greg was a HUGE help shoveling when a mega-snowstorm came through Saturday night.

This corner lot is a lot to maintain.

Still, I love how the world turns into a snow globe after a good storm.  The downside is that the snow was really heavy, resulting in some major tree damage around town.  In fact, just down the street the power was out for an entire day.  Brrrr.

Our backyard.  I ended up putting on snow pants just to take out the trash.

Nothing better than soup for warming up on a snowy day.  Many thanks to Christy for making us soup and scones after our ski adventure.  I don't have pictures, but Gregory made us some amazing Pasta Bolognese as well.

Family comes to town and instead of spoiling them, we always feel so spoiled!  Many thanks to everyone with special shout out to Greg as he waits for his leg to mend.
Love to all!

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