Where does the time go? It's been an entire month since I blogged last. Our family has been typically busy, but it's a happy chaos. For me personally, I finally finished training as a Newborn Hearing Screener and worked a few busy shifts all on my own. My schedule isn't awesome (I work two weekends a month), but I have a new appreciation for all the healthcare and other essential workers who are there for us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I'm discovering that I really enjoy interacting with newborns and new parents, as well as working in a hospital setting. Overall, it's been a great growth opportunity, especially now that I'm feeling more competent.
I also finished my CNA certification and worked a "substitute CNA" shift through Nursa. I'll be honest--this was less awesome. While I enjoyed interacting with the residents, the facility was pretty poorly managed. "Filling in" is particularly challenging because no one wants to invest in training you since you are only there for the day. If I take on another shift, it likely won't be at the same facility.
As for nursing school, I made it to Phase 3 of the University of Utah's application process, and am waiting to find out if I've been accepted. I had to apply for College of Nursing scholarships without knowing if I've been admitted, which is frankly annoying. No matter what the news, I'm hoping to find out soon so that I can move forward with plans either at the U or elsewhere.
One positive perk of applying: it encouraged me to look for more service opportunities. Knowing that I needed to beef up my resume, I reached out to the Guadalupe School in November. For several months I've been teaching English to adult learners for a couple of hours every week. I love it! Even though I never want to leave the house on Thursday nights, I come home energized and inspired by these men and women who come to learn, despite working long hard shifts themselves. A combination of refugees and immigrants, they demonstrate great courage in starting their lives over in a new country. Especially as my mind and heart are wrapped up in the atrocities happening in Ukraine, I'm glad to be in a place to help those in challenging circumstances close to home.
Enough about me! Here are some updates on the rest of the family.
This may seem like a routine photo, but it captures a pretty remarkable moment. While Annika draws, Jason is reading the very last page of the entire Harry Potter series. According to the Internet, that's a whopping 3407 pages they have read together over the last several years. Since then, they have moved on to the Chronicles of Narnia. Excellent choice!
In case you need more proof, this is what she looked like when I picked her up from school earlier this week. Beware the axolotl warrior.
...and again in front of the heater. Best spot in the house. Also, in the background you can see a small tupperware with funny things floating in it. Apparently she was giving her mochi animals a bath. Typical Annie. :)
February was a big month for Eli, especially in terms of science fair. Concerned about Jason's bike accident several years ago, Eli set out to create a safer bike. His idea was to attach a sensor that could flash a light and warn cars if they approach too close to the bicycle. As you can see this engineering project matched Eli's interests perfectly.
Every important project begins with a trip to Home Depot. Annika considers it the perfect place to chill and read.
Oops! Annika's a bit too close.
While functioning here, the light didn't actually work for long because Eli accidentally fried the circuit board. Unfortunate setback, but a great learning experience! Eli elegantly diagrammed and explained his error ad how it could be fixed.

In the end, the judges were impressed with Eli's idea and presentation. He won third place at the school level, first place at Districts, and even got to compete at the regional level of USEF, held in the University of Utah stadium.
Eli even got recognized at the SLCSD school board meeting for his outstanding performance in both science fair and Math Counts competition. It's not every kid who gets to rock two certificates.
Fantastic work and congratulations Eli! I think we should celebrate with some Pie Face.
Moving on, Talia. February was a crazy busy month for Talia, especially with rehearsals and performances for the West High play, As you Like It. I was so impressed by Talia's courage in auditioning. She came home telling us that her role was tiny, but in reality she was on stage quite often in her role as a circus performer. She taught herself to juggle just for the show!
Even more, she sang three or four songs, whether acapella or accompanying herself on the ukulele. All in Shakespearean English Like I said, this kid is fearless!
Amazing job, Talia! You and the other West High performers really pulled off Shakespeare in a remarkable way. Oh, and your hair looked great.
Best part of Talia's play? Papa Kay and NomiAnn drove out all the way from Omaha to see the show! Talk about amazing grandparents! If only I had better pictures... It feels so natural to have them in our home that I forget to pull out a camera, plus the time always flies by. Here's Papa K playing Mexican Train with Annika.
Back to Talia, she also spent a great deal of February crocheting, thanks to an Etsy order of 40 (!!) covies. I was skeptical, but she got them all done!
She even made this cute little video. Sorry about the orientation--I can't figure out how to switch it.
Last of the Wheeler munchkins, Brooklyn! Not that I can really call this 17 year-old a munchkin anymore. She's taller than I am for sure! (And I might be standing on tippy toes.)
In many ways, Brooklyn's schedule is crazier than my own. She tutors cello at 6:00 am Mondays and plays Ultimate after school, occasionally coupled with Girl Scouts in the evening. Tuesday is early morning seminary, followed by tutoring elementary students after school via zoom. Wednesday is her 6:00 am cello lesson, then early morning seminary, school, frisbee, and finally 7:00 pm youth activities. Add in Seminary Council, Friday afternoon rehearsals with the Utah Youth Philharmonic, more Ultimate Frisbee on Saturday, some social time with friends, and you get the idea. Sometimes I feel like we hardly get to see each other! But the great thing about Brooklyn is that no matter how busy she is, she still makes time for family. Here's Brooklyn and our favorite baby Violet.
Here she is again helping me with our annual Cupid's Crazy Cafe. We outdid ourselves this year with a pretty fantastic Japanese theme. I seriously could not have managed without her!
On the menu: California rolls, miso soup, potstickers, beef kushiyaki, pan fried noodles, bok choy salad, mochi, and an aloe drink.
In case anyone has forgotten how Cupid's Cafe works, we have this mixed up menu where people order everything from huggin' and lovin' to smoochin' and snugglin'. You don't know what it is you've ordered until it shows up on your plate! Busy as our family is we've decided this tradition must continue. In fact, we're already planning next year's cafe with an Indian theme.
Guess we should have asked if she likes seaweed! Even though most of the meal was not her fave, Melanie was still a great sport.
Love to all! And no, I haven't forgotten an update on Peanut Butter. I'm just saving the best for last. (And a different post.)
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