Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Eli's Eleven!

Happy 11th Birthday, Eli!  I always find birthday posts a little bit hard.  It's impossible to find the right words to express how grateful we are for a family member.  Eli, you are ever so many sorts of wonderful!  Lego master, Harry Potter aficionado, budding pianist, future engineer, creative writer, math whiz, and more.  You are principled, spiritual, loving, determined, kind, and pretty darn funny.  From the outset you have been our Easy E.  Eleven years later, you continue to go with the flow, changing and adapting even when it's hard.

For your birthday, we had grand dreams of an epic Harry Potter party, meant to rival the Harry Potter party of 2014.  After all, it's not every day a boy turns 11!  'Yer a wizard, Eli.

Instead, it turned out to be a pretty busy weekday, filled with school, frisbee practices, church youth activities and more.  Fortuitously, Eli's class was headed on a Starbase field trip at Hill Airforce Base, so that was pretty special.

Brooklyn wanted to make angel food cake to celebrate.  Sadly, it turned out to be a bit underbaked (my fault) and plopped out of the pan when we flipped it.  Certainly memorable!

Brooklyn was understandably sad about her cake disaster.  I was so impressed when she reappeared in the kitchen with an idea to salvage the project: "We can make parfaits!"  After all, everybody loves a good parfait.  What a tasty way to start the day.

The decadence continued with a Deathly Hallows meat pie.  Happy day!

After school, we headed over to Sugarhouse park for a celebratory dinner with Justin, Brianna, and Ruby.  

Eli's special dinner request: Hawaiian haystacks.

Present time!  Aunt Callie, we purchased this wrapping paper in your honor.

A Harry Potter lego set!  No better way to combine two obsessions.

From Aunt Callie and Uncle Adam we have a new favorite game: Cover Your Kingdom.  Thanks!

Annika's gift to Eli was a giant grow-in-water lizard that she picked out from the Dollar Tree.  That and a pretty cool glow ball.

Last but not least, back home for more pie.  Without time to set, this coconut cream pie came full circle and looked like the angel food cake flop.  Good news is it still tasted amazing.

Aunt Brianna also made a birthday caramel apple pie later in the week, so we were well fed.

Happy Birthday, Eli!  We love you!  Thanks for loving our family, imperfections and all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe Eli is eleven! However, he is a mature, bright and thoughtful young man. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. All the best to you Cheeze Stik!