Omaha 2020. You know it's been an amazing get-away when you have to break your fun into multiple posts. In mid-July the kids and I loaded up the mini-van and drove to Nebraska. Easy peasy. Brooklyn even helped drive part of the way. The best part of all? Not only were NomiAnn and Papa Kay waiting on the other end: Aunt Callie and Eila were there too! Needless to say, Talia's grown since Callie last saw her niece.
We jumped into the fun by heading to Lake Manawa state park for a picnic lunch.
While the parks in SLC and Washington are still closed, this one was open for play. Lots of hand sanitizer coupled with lots of fun.
Check out the matching outfits that NomiAnn sewed for Annika and Eila. (Probably not the pose she was expecting.)
It was a scorcher of a day so we broke out the water balloons to cool off. Then everyone ganged up on Talia to douse her with the water pump directly. Go Eila!
Speaking of water, the splash pads were also open. Omaha knows how to have fun!
Papa Kay was content to watch the fun from the sidelines...

...until the water battle came to him.
Talia got her revenge.
A rainbow day all around.
Wore out Papa Kay, though. Love you, Dad!
Back on the home front, there was lots of outdoor play. Yay for the fun Andrus backyard, complete with a swing, hammock, treehouse, and zipline!

Inside the house, the kids kept up with their instruments--sort of. Note the Kindle that Brooklyn snuck in front of her music so that she could read while she practiced. Talia is not immune either. I've caught her with headphones listening to Harry Potter as she muddles through Suzuki.

On a different note, the girls brought their old T-shirts and made a cute quilt on NomiAnn's lovely new machine.
All pieced and ready to tie.
Talia adds the binding.

Ta da!

Meanwhile, Eli did a great job keeping up with training for his Launch Team half marathon this fall. Here he is working his way around Zorinsky, despite the scorching heat and humidity.

Well-done, dude! Talia too. She was just far enough ahead that I don't have photos.
Cooling off at Louisville Lakes. The great news--Uncle Adam and Anders had arrived by now too. It's always nice to add more men to the mix, right Eli?
Can't forget--Zoe came too! Sure love that pup. Between 15 year-old Zoe and 3 year-old Anders, Adam earns hero status for tackling the flight.
Anders makes himself at home on the neighbor's trampoline (with permission of course.)
Meanwhile, Annika helps Zoe snuggle in.
Anders has an idea.

Slip-n-slide time!!! This is where Papa Kay's backyard definitively becomes the best.
Way to go, Eila!
Anders too.

Talia and Annika play chicken.
Sliding all the way out to the garden.
Talia tortures Brooklyn--typical.
Worth the trek uphill, right Eila?
Thanks for the fun! I love seeing my big girls act like kids again.,
On to the little girls, they were adorable entrepreneurs as they sold not only the typical lemonade...
Yes, Annika's shirt is on backwards. No, she will not change it. Apparently it's a fashion choice.
Speaking of fashion, Annika loved the dress-up courtesy of Millard North choirs.
Tut, tut, looks like rain!
Can't stop there! Check out Rainbow Brite (and the basement we've been working so hard to declutter.)
Sunday home church--singing highly encouraged. While I'm very grateful that our Avenues congregation is currently able to gather every week, I really do miss singing.
Brooklyn and Talia share a pioneer lesson.
Back to Louisville Lakes for some fun on the inflatable playground. Adam turned out to be an expert launcher, bouncing us off the giant pillow on the end. While we all caught some good air, Eli must have soared a good twenty feet. (Kinda hurt on the way down though.)
Next adventure: the Henry Doorly zoo. Omaha just wouldn't be the same without it.
Note Jason slipped into the picture, having flown in as well. It's always happiest when the whole gang's together.
Checking out the newly remodeled aquarium. It's so SHI-NY! (Sung Moana style.)
I'm a pout-pout fish...
...with a kissy kissy face.

Shark! (My kids are currently obsessed with Mark Rober's newest shark video--not that there's much scientific about it.)
Personally, I love the jelly fish.
For this trip, however, my favorite creature was definitely the giraffe.
That long tongue wanted to reach the grass so badly! I felt exhausted just watching.
Nothing better to do when you're tired than sit down to read a book...
...or better yet, settle in for an outdoor movie. Even though we didn't put on a show until after dark, Anders hopefully watched the blank screen for a good long while.
Sure love that kid! So grateful this was only Part 1 of our fun. Stay tuned for more!
What fun photo memories! Although it was hot at times, overall the weather was agreeable and allowed outside activity. It was wonderful for all twelve of us to be together! The food, stories and games were fabulous too.
Upon a second review of this delightful blog entry, Papa Kay (aka: anonymous), notes that the unflattering photo of him sleeping in his recliner was preceded by his sole supervision of both Eila and Annie on a trip to the Wildlife Safari Park (complete with a hike to try to see bears and wolves) earlier that day. This half-day excursion, complete with an ice cream break for the youngsters, was ... wonderful, but exhausting! Keep Smiling!
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