Monday, August 10, 2020

Winter Park Wheeler Reunion

2020 has harbored some disappointments for us all (a few days ago, we officially cancelled our trip to Europe.)  Our Wheeler family reunion was originally scheduled to take place near Banff, Canada.  Unsurprisingly, we had to cancel our reservation due to COVID restrictions.

Fortunately, we were able to change course and head to Winter Park, Colorado.  While obviously most populated during ski season, it turned out to be a great place to vacation during the summer as well.

We kicked off the first full-day of our reunion with a Fourth of July Wheeler Wobble, following the same course as the Rendezvous Virtual Run for Independence.

Talia looks a bit sleepy.

The course was beautiful, heading right alongside the Fraser River Trail.  Here are Jason and Eli, cruising around the final bend.

Wheeler Competitors: Christy (Phoenix), Lance (Chicago), Justin (Millcreek), Charles (Hyde Park)...

...and Jason (the Avenues.)  The family that runs together has fun together.

With whetted appetites, we headed back to the house for some yummy overnight baked french toast.  

Happy Fourth!

Next we headed back to the course for a celebratory Fourth of July bike parade.  So many thanks to Brianna and Justin for bringing fun supplies to deck out our bikes.  Even more thanks to Charles and Susie for helping us get all our bikes out to Colorado.  We are inspired to ride as a family more often.

Ruby was dressed for the occasion in her red, white, and blue stars.

Even so, Brooklyn's stretchies won the prize for most patriotic.

Obligatory stars and stripes photo shoot.

Meanwhile, the rest of the crew broke out the temporary tattoos.  Looking sharp, Lance!

Here's Talia at the pullout.  She hopped on my new Cannondale bike and rode straight into bike heaven.  This gal loves speed!

Back on the home front, we broke out the water balloons for some Fourth of July fun.

Naturally we barbecued for dinner as well.  It just wouldn't be the Fourth without watermelon and corn on the cob!

While aerial fireworks were a no-go on the forested property, the kids still enjoyed playing with pop snappers and a few sparklers.

The next morning, we headed for a hike.  I think this was the Yankee Doodle trail, but don't really remember so feel free to correct me.
The trail is always better when shared with a friend.  These cute cousins coordinated their wardrobes.

Christy of the pines.

A lovely Sunday morning retreat.

One more photo from a walk I took down the river trail later in the day.  I find such peace in nature.

Annika similarly does better when  provided with an outdoor retreat.  She and Ruby enjoyed this great little place to play in the woods right behind our cabin.

Jason and Talia found their own escape on a daddy-daughter bike ride at sunset.  I told you Talia loves my bike.  :)

Early the next morning I joined Justin, Jason, Christy and Susie on the same course.  It was a bit scary with skinny wheels on the dirt road, but still so fun!

Next up on our epic weekend: Rocky Mountain National Park.  Here's Brianna strolling through the meadow near the Holzwarth Historic Site.

Look closely behind Justin for an astonishing sight.

Moose!  Rumor has it that the moose greeted Lance as he exited the outhouse.
Next stop: the Alpine Ridge Visitor Center.  Super high altitude.  Strangely enough, the thin air didn't seem to bother me much.  I think that as an asthmatic, I'm used to coping with less oxygen from time to time.

Smiling siblings.

At the top of the Alpine Ridge Trail.

Grandma Susie and Grandpa Charles made it to the top of the world, or at least 12,005 feet above sea level.

Lunch break at Hidden Valley.

A candid shot of our sleepy crew.

No nodding off during a Wheeler vacation!  We still have adventuring to do.  Here are Christy, Charles, and Brooklyn at Chasm Falls.  
Jason and I join the photo fun.

After Chasm Falls, we took the newly-opened Old Fall River Road back to the Alpine Visitors Center.  It's always exciting to see elk high in the alpine tundra.

Plus, what better time than July for a snowball fight?  Do you think this one will hit Eli?

Uncle Lance takes in the view.

Ruby and Aunt Brianna, out for a stroll to Lake Irene.  Poor Brianna had to endure these hikes with a broken toe.
Lance schools us all in keeping it cool.  
Justin with our favorite Ruby-Scooby.

Our very last Rocky Mountain National Park adventure: Adams Falls.

A week's worth of fun packed into a glorious day.  We've been to Rocky Mountain National Park a couple of times before, and it never ceases to amaze. 

You'd think that after such a full day there wouldn't be room for any more excitement, but never underestimate the Wheeler capacity for pie.  After all, we had two July birthdays to celebrate. Happy birthday Uncle Lance and Grandpa Charles!

Sadly, the next morning it was time to pack up and head for home.  Before leaving, the littles took a moment to enjoy these backyard creations.  
As our very final hurrah, we snuck in a few rounds of frisbee golf. 

Frisbee across creeks while wading through waist-high grasses--I loved it!

From the Avenues Wheelers to the whole rest of the gang--thank you for the delightful vacation together.  We can't wait to see what adventures happen next year.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Wow! Wonderful commentary and pictures! Thanks for the great documentation you have done and great memories you shared. It was a fun, fun trip!