COVID life.
It won't last forever, right? Right? Please tell me that I'm right. Since this interminable bug can't torment us indefinitely, I'd better document COVID life now so that we can chuckle and remember when it's in the past. Did you hear that? Past.
Home school. Okay, I'm going to be totally frank right now. This picture is kind of an anomaly. Annika did not spend much time at her desk diligently working on packets. I tried, but getting her to sit down and focus was nearly impossible. After too many sessions of butting heads, I kind of threw in the towel. I tried to prioritize reading and math every day, and figured we have all summer to catch up on the rest. Today is the last day kids have to hand in assignments, so hallelujah. We survived.
On the positive side, Annika is really beginning to love reading, thanks in part to a great box of first grade books that cousin Alesia sent.
On the downside, getting Annika to write is the worst.
She'd much rather care for her pet unicorns.
Quarantine life meant more baking than usual at our house. Since yeast was in short supply, we joined the sourdough bread craze with a fair amount of success.
Homemade pretzels are pretty tasty as well.
I think Spark has enjoyed our being home more. He gets fed way more often, and spends hours each day nestled in Talia's lap.
A more typical picture would be one with Brooklyn, Talia, and Eli, each perched on a couch with a laptop. In general, I think that online "home school" has taken more time than regular school. I don't know if this is because they have trouble focusing or if they are perfectionists and keep working on assignments for whatever amount of time is allotted them. It's probably a combination of both. Either way, they miss having the distinction of home and school. Right now, it feels like school continues indefinitely.
On the positive side, Talia and Brooklyn have done some creative things for their art classes.
Brooklyn's shoes. Appropriate for my high-heel loving daughter.
Naturally Talia has also made plenty of time to crochet.
My favorite moments are the the time we spend outside. I've learned that getting outdoors is critical for maintaining my sanity. I think I will look back on this pandemic and remember how delightfully spring unfolded all around me, completely oblivious to the chaos.
Annika would really like to have a puppy to take on our walks, but since that isn't happening she occasionally decides to be the puppy instead.
While Ultimate has been cancelled, we've had plenty of chances to throw a disc as a family.
Here's Brooklyn trying to recover her frisbee from City Creek.
The cemetery down the block is another favorite quiet spot.
For some higher adventure, we took a hike up Bells Canyon to the waterfall. What a gem!

The only downside was that the trail was rather crowded. It's a strange world where you pass people and think, "Ack! Scary!" The only exception are these crazy humans, who can get as close to me as they want.
The only downside was that the trail was rather crowded. It's a strange world where you pass people and think, "Ack! Scary!" The only exception are these crazy humans, who can get as close to me as they want.
The final section of the trail was snowy and difficult to navigate on the way up. If you thought we struggled on the ascent, you should have seen us all slipping and sliding on the way back down. I left with a gloriously purple bruise adorning my rump. You'll all be glad to know I did NOT take a picture.
Quarantine is a great time to learn some new skills, like riding a bike!

You could also try growing a beard. Emphasis on the word "try."
Turns out Jason's beard shows up much better if... cover it in mascara. Thanks to Uncle Lance for the tip! (Less gratitude to Jason for catching me in this selfie.)
Masks pretty much say it all these days. Our family has sewn a few for healthcare workers as part of Project Protect, an initiative to make 5 million masks. Our 70 masks only equate to 0.000014%, but every bit helps.

Hope you and your loved ones are all happy and healthy. Stay strong!
You could also try growing a beard. Emphasis on the word "try."
Turns out Jason's beard shows up much better if... cover it in mascara. Thanks to Uncle Lance for the tip! (Less gratitude to Jason for catching me in this selfie.)
My favorite bandit.
Masks pretty much say it all these days. Our family has sewn a few for healthcare workers as part of Project Protect, an initiative to make 5 million masks. Our 70 masks only equate to 0.000014%, but every bit helps.
Hope you and your loved ones are all happy and healthy. Stay strong!
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