Friday, May 29, 2020

April Fools Day and the Spiral Jetty

April Fools around our house is pretty synonymous with faux food.  Check out our tasty tacos.
The tortillas are flatbreads baked with cinnamon sugar, then filled with chocolate quinoa "meat", shredded coconut "cheese", strawberry-basil-jicama "pico de gallo," basil "lettuce," cool whip "sour cream" and jelly bean "olives."

Our main course was dog food.
It looks disgusting, but this bacon cheeseburger quinoa Instapot recipe is one of Annika's very favorite meals.  She requests it regularly.

Tuck in.

Talia's got this.

On Saturday, April 2nd we met up with Grandma Susie, Grandpa Charles, Uncle Justin, Aunt Brianna, and Ruby for a socially-distanced picnic at the Spiral Jetty.  The Spiral Jetty is way out in the middle of nowhere on the north said of the Great Salt Lake, so we'd never made the journey before.  Quarantine seemed the perfect time to venture out.

It certainly is a barren landscape.  It's still beautiful, but in a very distinct, walking-on-the-surface-of-the-moon sort of way.

Annika and Ruby wore masks since they are still learning about social distancing.


 Our messy Annika managed to step in mud so deep that she came right out of her boot.

The Spiral Jetty was constructed by Robert Smithson in April 1970.  Happy 50th birthday!

Brooklyn was the only one who wanted to climb to the look-out with me.

All in all, it was a journey worth making.

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