Thursday, March 09, 2017

First Days Skiing--The Start of an Addiction

It had to happen.  Move to the state with the greatest snow on earth, and we were bound to become a bunch of ski bums.  It all started back in December when Jason and I spent the morning at Brighton after discovering an incredible bargain.  $20 lift tickets with a donation to the Utah Food Bank.  Hooray!

 It may have been early in the season, but the snow was still incredible.

Views aren't too shabby either.

After a very generous Christmas where the kids received skis and boots, we ventured up to Park City to try out our new gear on the magic carpet.  I was pretty nervous taking them for their first ski adventure all on my own, but they caught on really quickly.  This abominable ski monster is Brooklyn in disguise.

Not many pictures of Talia--she was too busy cruising--but she is the gal in pink.  Both Brooklyn and Talia have since graduated from the bunny hill and gone on to ski at Snowbird on Friday afternoons with their school.

Our very own Eli, master of the snow plow.

Watch out world!  Here he comes.  Eli is likewise becoming much more experienced on the real slopes.

And of course, Annie, cruising on the cutest, teensiest skis you've ever seen.  She did pretty well the first day...

...but has been more interested in eating the snow and making snow angels every ski day since.

Ah well, it's all about the journey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... The moving walkway, a replacement for the traditional rope tow, really makes it easier for young people to get up the hill. I remember how much work skiing was in those days. I cannot wait to see my daredevil Talia and Annie begin to do acrobatic maneuvers on the half pipe.