In the beginning of April, Talia competed in her very first gymnastics meet. Held in Crete, Nebraska, she competed against other young Sokol gymnasts from the Midwest. (If like me, you didn't know what anything about Sokol, it's a Czech organization that promotes physical fitness, culture awareness, and the most affordable gymnastics around.) Anyway, Talia's cute team is in the red, white, and blue competition leotards.
You can see her blonde head poking out of the middle of the line in this photo.
Here she is warming up on beam.
In competition. She did great!
Here's Talia during her floor routine. She worked so very hard to get her backbend kickover, and has learned lots of new tricks since, with a back handspring coming up next.
Vault was Talia's best competition event. She placed first in her division. Way to go, cutie!
We had a long break before dinner and the awards ceremony, so we drove a half hour back to the Lincoln Children's Museum. This Cuckoo Construction site is my favorite. Every fifteen minutes, all the bricks come tumbling down so you can start building again.
Eli, you make a great astronaut...
...and policeman. The future is yours!
Here we have Policeman Eli and Firefighter Annie seeing how they measure up.
Brooklyn and Talia spent a good chunk of time training to be postal workers.
Annika pursued a second career as a vet.
Jason's new career? Professional juggler. His egg-juggling skills were a critical piece of our courtship, winning over my heart.
After the Children's Museum, we went to the Lincoln Capitol Building for a tour. I thought it was pretty amazing, and the kids seemed to agree. (By the way, I think this picture is one of the sweetest ever.)
When the tour was over, we took an elevator to the very top floor to have a look around.
I enjoyed spying on all the inhabitants of Lincoln. Can you spot the wedding party taking pictures on the lawn?
On a clear day, you can see for miles and miles.
Annika got all tuckered out. Jason doesn't seem to mind the chance to snuggle with his baby.
Best father ever. Trust me. He deserves a Congressional Medal for not strangling Annie last night at bedtime.
One more look at our State Capitol with its single tower and unicameral legislature from the outside. Also note NomiAnn, who spent the whole day playing with us and cheering Talia on. Thank you!
Back to gymnastics, at 7:30 pm we finally had our awards ceremony. Talia was awarded a fifth place overall podium finish. Congratulations, Reddi-Wip!
Just for kicks and giggles, here's the gym at the Sokol Underground Auditorium where Talia usually practices.
My favorite place to watch her practice, however, is right in our own living room.
Watch out world! She's training a new generation.
We're so proud of you, Talia, and love watching you develop so many new skills and talents. As much fun as it is watching you perform something perfectly, I'm even more impressed as I watch you struggle--trying something hard again and again and again without giving up. We have much to learn from your bravery and persistence. Way to go!
1 comment:
Talia does have great determination. That can take her far in life. Congrats, Talia! I went to click the "like" button on the picture of Brooklyn and Talia walking down the hallway at the Capitol but quickly realized I wasn't on facebook! Ha!
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