Monday, April 02, 2012

From Fishing to Fiestas

While much of our weekend was spent enjoying General Conference, our family still managed to squeeze in a little fun outdoors this Saturday.

Early in the morning, Jason took the kids to a local "fishing derby" while I went for a long run. While they didn't catch any fish, they did snag a free fishing pole.
In the afternoon, we went to a Rapunzel birthday party for the one year-old daughter of Brooklyn's Spanish teacher, Mr. O. Garcia.
Here's Brooklyn and Mr. Garcia.
And here's Rapunzel herself, accompanied by her pet chameleon Alan, oops, Pascal. Mr. Garcia painted the entire backdrop on his garage wall.
Eli decided that he wanted some Rapunzel hair, too.
Ah, so beautiful, um, I mean handsome.
And here's Brooklyn, with Taite, her first-grade romance. It cracks me up that a girl with a heart shirt should just happen to be in the middle of the photo.
And here's baby Bella, the real princess of the party.
Waiting in line for the pinata.
Our own golden-haired princess waits in line.
About a year ago Talia gave up sucking her thumb. Unfortunately, it's been replaced by her pinky.
"Hey, I'm getting squished!"
At last Talia gets a turn. "Dale, dale, dale, no pierdas el tino."
No matter how splendid the party (and this party certainly was a grand fiesta), it's the simplest things that please the most...
...particularly cupcakes.


Chou said...

So wonderful. Happy birthday to the little one, and what fun for the rest!

Julie L said...

Impressed with your running, and with the fishing pole success, and with the castle painted on the wall. Looked like a fun party for all the kids in his class. I like that they included the parents as well.

Susie said...

Thanks for sharing the party with us. I was curious how it went.