Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Devil Made Me Do It

Work is such a blessing. While I miss my husband and my girls, I'm really grateful to have an entire house to pack in the meantime. Keeping my hands busy helps keep my heart from being too lonely. I feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment with each box that I tape shut. Sometimes I literally smirk and think, "Ah ha! I've thwarted the mess-makers." Each packed box equates to that much less junk strewn all over the house. My goal is to have things so packed by the time the vacationers return that my munchkins don't have any choice but to keep the house clean. I'd love to spend our last week focusing on each other instead of our possessions.

As part of my "To Do" list, I need to clean off our quote board. And so, here is a very random list of family quotes.


Local architect (as Jason tells him about our new employment): There are jobs in architecture?

Kara (while teaching a student about coordinating conjunctions): Your but needs to go first.

Familial conversations

Brooklyn (talking to Mom): You're a small but a good Mommy.

Brooklyn (talking to Dad): How 'bout you start thinking? (Context: Jason was out of ideas for a bedtime story)


Brooklyn: When you go to Applebees, if your drink isn't fuzzy, they'll get you some fuzz. (Target word: fizz)

Talia: I wanna wear my zucchini. (Target: bikini)

Sunday School Sagas

Brooklyn: Maybe I should be a ruler over my brother and sister. (I chuckled to myself over her hubris and childish understanding until she followed this phrase up with, "You know, like be a good example and teach them things they don't know." Guess the joke was on me.)

Brooklyn (trying to explain why she dumped salt and pepper all over the floor): I'll bet Satan could have convinced even Jesus to do it.


Uh huh. We'll have to work on the doctrinal backing for that one!


Tanja said...

Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Brooklyn is merely acting as an innocent devil's advocate (since she has not yet reached the age of accountability): "The phrase 'Devil's Advocate' actually comes from Canon Law. In the Vatican, when arguments are being presented to have a person declared a saint, the church appoints an official to find flaws in this evidence. This official is called the 'Devil's Advocate' and has come to mean a person who espouses a cause just for the sake of argument."

Erin Gibbons said...

How funny! I love the last one. I hope the packing is going well! We were in Utah last week and it was fun to think of all the memories, including ones way back from 250 days! I still talk about things from that era frequently, however it still surprises me every time I share a story from then and have to say "Oh about 8 years ago..." !!

Susie said...

Love them all! The final one was a great way to top it off!