Friday, July 31, 2009

The Doctor Speaks: "They're Huge!"

During our short layover in Illinois, Jason and I took a basically healthy Brooklyn to the pediatrician.

This is why.

So how do you spell "tonsillectomy"? :)


Chou said...

Little miss Brooklyn, we will have some stories to share afterwords.

Arnold LvE said...

I don't know if this is T.M.I., but that is what mine looked like also when I was a bit older than her. They came out shortly afterwards...

Julie L said...

Oh, ouch! It hurts just to look at them. How can she swallow???? Good luck with the surgery. Is it scheduled yet?

candice said...

blech! her poor throat, must throb! good luck on the surgery.

Susie said...

It's a good thing Brooklyn likes ice cream and popsicles as much as she does!