Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Goblin Valley Aventura

I love to hike.  Talia too. While hiking is brilliant year round, there are some times when it is messier than others.  These pictures are from a quick jaunt up to Ensign peak in mid-February.  Mud City!

Despite the dirt, this is a happy place.

While hiking, Talia tried to convince me that wew ought to go somewhere for President's Day.  Truth to be told, it wasn't very hard.  I am most always up for adventure.

But was Annika up for a trip?  Of course she was!  This gal has super powers (and super creativity.)

Organizing an overnight can be cumbersome, so in the end we decided to take a day trip to Goblin Valley State Park.  It's a long drive, but worth it!  The Wilhoits even decided to join us on our adventure.  Here are Annika and Eila scoping out the martian landscape.

Superhero Eli with his trusty Anders sidekick.  Love the cape, Cap!

It was pretty chilly at the beginning, but we warmed up on the trail.  Hey Adam, Utah looks good on you!

We loved having Brooklyn's friend Lily join us for our adventures.

Photographing the photographers.

The final icy ascent.  

Our destination: the Goblin's Lair.  Captivating!

The "lair" also had a secret cave.  Will anyone be brave enough to go in?  You can count on our courageous Talia.

The little girls in their hideout.

Making our way back into daylight.

Next order of business--lunch coupled with Zoe snuggles.

The toadstools are charming.  Can't you just see the goblin faces peering back at you?

Zoe joined us for part two of our adventure.  💜  After a while, Callie's attempt to tote Zoe around in her jacket resembled an awkward breech birth.

The backpack was much more comfortable.  Oh, how we miss our Zoe girl!

The Wilhoits are the bestest of families!

And these cuties are the bestest of friendsies.

Now time for hide 'n seek. Goblin Valley is an amazing place to hide, but a really challenging place to be found if you don't set clear boundaries. Life lesson learned.

Victorious Eli.

Once everyone was gathered, we headed up the rocks for a group photo.  Everybody wave!

Last but not least, a silly Wheeler photo as well.  Thanks to all for the epic adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Memorable Trip and Great Photos! Hooray for family connections and love!