Sunday, August 14, 2022

Family and Food on the Fourth

Nothing says the Fourth of July like family and food!  This fourth we celebrated with lots of both.  Justin and Brianna kindly hosted at their place, welcoming not only our clan, but Charles, Susie, Ben, Christy, Brianna's parents, Brianna's sister, and a couple of friends.  So fun!

But wait, I'm jumping the gun.  On July 3rd we listened to Susie sing with the American Festival Chorus at the Marriott Center as part of the Freedom Festival.  They always sound amazing!

Annika and Christy wait for the concert to begin.

The next day we went for a stroll up Albion basin before barbecuing in Millcreek.  Annika and Ruby have become great little hikers!

As for Violet, she still prefers to hitch a ride.  Justin or Jason--anyone's back will do.

Talia in her cute overalls.

Susie and Kevin Wong, Justin's mission companion and FLSR roommate.  As luck would have it, he married Talyn, my amazing roommate from the FLSR.  I heart Foreigh Language Housing matchups!

Of course, this couple's pretty adorable too.

Ruby, out for a wander.

Eli, Kevin, and Paul, another one of Justin's college roommates.

At last--tasty food!  The Fourth of July with all its fixings.

Christy's apple pie was a masterpiece.  It's just terrifying to cut into such art!

The little girls crafted in the backyard while Jason took a snooze.

Ben and Talia relaxing as well.

Our patriotic hosts with the best smiles.

And back to the family pictures. No doubt about it--Violet is the cutest (along with Sir Pancakes, of course.)
 Hope everyone had a happy fourth, filled with family, food, fireworks, and freedom.

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